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在中国,苹果势如破竹。In China, Apple’s on a roll.

动画片今夏看来也将势如破竹。Animated films also look to be big this summer.

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在迈克尔的大声喝彩声中,美国队势如破竹地赢得了胜利。With Michael in the stands cheering loudly, the Americans cruised to victory.

但当营利性部门享受着势如破竹的进步时,公民部门萎靡不振。But while the for-profit sector enjoyed sweeping progress, the citizen sector languished.

若得到批准,他说,那么“这一众人期待的电影大片将势如破竹,发展迅速。If that gets approved, he said, then "hopefully it'll start moving very quickly, very soon."

自此之后亚泰队一路势如破竹,最终问鼎中超。Since then a Team Yatai group with irresistible force, finally aspires to seize the superior.

最后,他们终于以势如破竹之威,冲破罗马帝国北部边界的防线。Finally they thundered through the Roman defenses along the northern boundaries of the empire.

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第二盘中小威势如破竹,在前三盘自己的发球局中仅仅丢掉两分。Serena took the momentum into the second set, dropping only two points on serve in the opening three games.

德约科维奇上周日以一贯势如破竹的姿态赢得温布顿男子单打冠军。Novak Djokovic continued his imperious run of form by winning the Wimbledon men's singles title last Sunday.

伊莎多拉·邓肯被誉为“今世舞之母”,就连芭蕾也遭到了她势如破竹的保守观念的影响。Isadora Duncanisknown as the "Mother of the Modern dance", but even ballet was influenced by the radical élan of her ideas.

更令人不安的是批判性思维的缺失,而且迷信在这个国家势如破竹,这样不会出乱子。More disconcerting is the lack of critical thinking, and at times, blind faith that China is on a roll, so don't rock the boat.

哈里斯状态神勇,在他的得分助攻的带动下,队友进攻势如破竹。The Harris condition is supernaturally brave, under his score secondary attack's lead, the teammate attacks with irresistible force.

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当他刚刚踏入安菲尔德,他就给俱乐部留下深刻的印象。显而易见,不仅是他的进攻质量,还有他势如破竹的射门。HE made a great impact on the club when he first arrived, notably for the quality of his attacking displays and the ferocity of his shooting.

波尔图在本赛季联赛中势如破竹,领先第二名布拉加38分并保持不败。但是今晚在都柏林,他们显然没有拿出最好的表现。But Porto, whose dominance in their domestic league saw them go unbeaten and finish 38 points ahead of Braga, were far from their best in Dublin.

斯蒂夫-克拉克相信,苏小牙继90年代佐拉登陆英伦之后,已给英国足球带来迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势如破竹的影响。Steve Clarke believes Luis Suarez has made the biggest instant impact in English football since Gianfranco Zola's arrival on these shores in the 1990s.

这是1943年,日本人以势如破竹之势席卷这一角,美国和澳大利亚却试图在这儿挡住日本人。But that was the corner that mattered to the Americans and Australians who were trying to stem the seemingly inevitable tide of Japanese conquest in 1943.

在2009年的巨大升幅中站错边的作空投资人,如今已退居场边,或者降低部位.押注股市下挫的空头只能看着大盘势如破竹地上冲.After being on the wrong end of the massive 2009 rally, so-called bears or short investors who seek to profit from falling stocks have retreated to the sidelines or pared positions.