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最有可能引起痛经的原因是什么?What is likely causing my symptoms?

有什么办法可以治疗痛经?What method can treat dysmenorrhoea?

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至于该如何应对痛经呢?As for how to deal with dysmenorrhea ?

吃什么能减少痛经?What to eat to you can reduce dysmenorrhoea?

治疗或者家庭健康疗法对痛经会有帮助吗?What treatments or home remedies might help?

痛经有关的风险因素包括Risk factors associated with dysmenorrhea include

预防偏头痛、痛经和关节炎痛。Prevent migraine, dysmenorrhea and arthritis pain.

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嗨,护士。我每个月都痛经痛得要命。Well. nurse. I have very bad period pains every month.

痛经有必要去医院看么?Is dysmenorrhoea necessary to go to a hospital looking?

嗨,大夫,我每个月都痛经痛得要命。Well, Doctor. I have very bad period pains every month.

经常痛经,正常吗?要不要去医院检查?Often dysmenorrhoea, normal? Should go to a hospital checking?

自己的痛经症状与其他女性相比有什么不一样吗?How do my symptoms compare with other menstruating girls or women?

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经期感觉不适或者痛经的女性应避免练习。Women should avoid this practice during a heavy or painful period.

如果是以前没有而现在有痛经,那就要看医生了!If the past is not there now dysmenorrhea , it depends on the doctor!

可缓解经前综合症和痛经。Offers relief from premenstrual syndrome and severe menstrual cramps.

噪声暴露对纺织女工的痛经影响没有显著性意义。The effect of noise exposure on dysmenorrhoea showed no significance.

这会引起异常出血、痛经和盆骨疼痛。It can cause abnormal bleeding, painful periods, and general pelvic pain.

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生活中,许多女性尤其是年轻女性都会受到痛经的骚扰。Life, many women, especially young women will be dysmenorrhea harassment.

目的确定香附治疗痛经的有效部位。ObjectiveTo confirm the effective part of Rhizoma Cyperi on dysmenorrhea.

解决痛经的唯一办法就是生小孩吗?。Does the only way that settles dysmenorrhoea give birth to a child namely?