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我正在建造一座空中的走廊。I'm building a sky walk.

有只羊在我走廊里。There is a sheep in my hall.

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我能听见他在走廊里的声音。I can hear him in the hallway.

防尘布遮盖着走廊。Dust sheets draped the corridors.

他在走廊里大声对我喊叫。He bawled down the hallway at me.

她消失在走廊尽头。She disappeared down the corridor.

有一个陌生人在走廊徘徊。A stranger hangs around the hallway.

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走廊里铺的是花格地毯。The corridors are carpeted in tartan.

她疲沓啪嗒地在走廊里走。She pitter-pattered along the hallway.

我没有回头看,直接跑去了走廊。I don’t turn back. I run to the hallway.

我独自沿走廊悄悄走着。I slipped through the hallway by myself.

厕所往外返味时,走廊就能闻到味。When the toilet smelled so did the hall.

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杰克只好从命,离开了走廊。Jack listens, and exits out the corridor.

冰冷的走廊里,庞弗雷夫人弯腰检查着博恩斯教授的情况。Madam Pomfrey leant over Professor Burns.

走廊尽头是楼梯。The gallery is terminated by a staircase.

我们生活在时间流逝的隐形走廊之中。We exist in an invisible passage of time.

沿着这条走廊走到底就是。I think our seat is near the centre aisle.

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利季娅毫无目标地走到走廊。Lydia wandered aimlessly into the hallway.

这条走廊通向一间烟雾弥漫的低矮房间。The corridor opened into a low smoky room.

中国足协办公楼的走廊平静得可怕。The corridors of the CFA are eerily quiet.