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朝鲜于1910年沦为日本的殖民地。Korea colonized by Japan in 1910

希腊语Apoikia不同于殖民地一词No, this is not what an apoikia is.

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好了,那么那些殖民地在哪里呢Okay, now where are these colonies?

殖民地化的过程又是怎样?What is the process of colonization?

朝鲜在1910年就沦为日本殖民地。Korea was colonized by Japan in 1910.

房子的装潢设计是殖民地风格的。The style of the house is a colonial.

香港自从1897年以来是英国的殖民地。Hongkong was British Colony since 1897.

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这座岛屿在十八世纪时成为了殖民地。The island became a colony in the 1700s.

迦太基是腓尼基人的殖民地Carthage is a colony of Phoenician cities.

那么这些殖民地到底是什么样的呢Okay, what are these new settlements like?

帝国主义搜括殖民地的资源。Imperialism picked the resources of colony.

在1881年时,随着法国对殖民地的开拓,转而成为法国的被保护国。It passed under French protectorate in 1881.

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这是1930年代具有殖民地特色的夏威夷住家。This home is a 1930’s colonial Hawaiian home.

月亮是一个被铁腕政权统治的严酷的殖民地。The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Robert Heinlein.

然而,殖民地在他的治理下却有了长足进步。Yet, under his rule, the colony made progress.

英国于1607年开始在弗吉尼亚建立第一个殖民地。The English settlement in America began in 1607.

这个国家曾是英国在亚洲的一块殖民地。The country used to be a British colony in Asia.

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帕拉多星上发现微型战士殖民地。The Micromaster colony on Paradron is discovered.

在过去的美国殖民地里发生了什么?What happened to the lost colony of the Americas?

还出版过一部前德国殖民地的摄影集。He publishes a book on the former German colonies.