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该校拥有一支高水平的师资队伍。It boasts a high-level faculty.

学校师资队伍实力雄厚。The strength of the school teachers.

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但是麻省理工的师资也很强。but also MIT has a very strong group.

再有就是师资问题。Then there is the problem of teachers.

这使师资匮乏的问题更为严重。This makes the teacher shortage even more critical.

学院师资队伍朝气蓬勃,现有专兼职教师87人。We have 87 qualified and hard-working teaching staff.

请洽师资培育中心审核。Please submit to the teacher's training center for review.

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英语学院拥有一支较强的师资队伍。College of English possesses a well-trained faculty and staff.

这跟学校的管理和师资有很大关系。It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.

学院拥有一支结构合理、水平较高的师资队伍。College has a well-structured , high level of the teaching staff.

师资队伍充满朝气,有火力有创新精神,崇德敬业。Teachers vibrant, innovative spirit in firepower, Zonta dedication.

师资队伍建设滞后,缺乏高素质的教师。The teachers troop constructs the lag, lacks the high quality teacher.

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同时,对研究发射中心东风中学师资管理问题铺设了方法论基础。This has laid the foundation for the research and for the methodology.

研究对象选自上海一较普通且在师资、档次上比较有代表性的幼儿园。In the second research, we focused on the children' human being figure.

师资系统可看作是一个等级晋升的人力系统。System of teachers can be considered as a manpower system about up-grade.

人才培养一定程度上取决于师资队伍建设。The cultivation of talents depends on the construction of teaching staff.

可见,高素质的师资队伍建设尤为重要。Thus the construction of high-quality teachers is particularly important.

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自有师资资源总量不够,年轻教师较多但缺乏教学经验积累。Not enough self-possessed teachers or accumulation of teaching experience.

亚洲商学院最大的弱点是缺乏属于全职的优秀师资。A is its full-time outstanding faculty in the Asian marketing training field.

这些学校获得的教育资金少于正常水平,师资力量薄弱。Those schools get less funding and have less qualified teachers than average.