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不要逼迫别人接受你的意见。Don't force your opinion upon others.

译为现在象一层朦胧的薄雾逼迫浮士德。Now draw up Faustus, like a foggy mist.

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为什麽逼迫我?你用脚踢刺是难的!It is hard for you to kick against the goads.

他的口供是警方逼迫招认的。His confession was strong-armed by the police.

他们逼迫我投该规划的赞同票。They strong-armed me into voting for the plan.

他逼迫所有成年男性为奴。He pressed all of the adult males into slavery.

你有时可能会逼迫自己得太甚。You may drive yourself much too hard sometimes.

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他不能逼迫你沉迷在于性受虐中。He cannot force you to indulge in sadomasochism.

有人在这城逼迫你们,就逃到那城去。When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another.

这逼迫了男人们成为了更好的男朋友。That's forced the guys to be better boyfriends in turn.

政府和你的老师们逼迫你去读它们。The government and your teachers forced you to read them.

有些儿童甚至被他们的亲戚逼迫行乞。Children are sometimes forced to beg by their own relatives.

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枪手逼迫施瑞恩·德瓦尼和司机下车。Gunmen forced Shrien Dewani and the driver from the vehicle.

这些选择充实我们,考验我们,比逼迫我们。Those choices will strech us and test us and push us to our limit.

你们为何如同天主一样逼迫我,吃了我的肉还不知足呢?Why do you persecute me as God, and glut yourselves with my flesh?

袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位,把政权交给了他。Yuan Shikai forced emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.

别逼迫其他的跑步者,路人,或骑车的离开小道。Don't force other runners, pedestrians or cyclists off of the path.

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任何强行逼迫灾民返回的作法都是不能接受的。Any forced or coerced movement of people is completely unacceptable.

如果他胆敢来逼迫她,他会自食恶果。If he had determined to persecute her he must take the consequences.

平安夜,小女孩被爸爸逼迫出来卖火柴。On Christmas Eve, little girl sold matches was forced out by my dad.