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他去嫖娼。He went whoring.

如果你参与嫖娼,你就间接资助了人口拐卖的活动。If you pay a prostitute, you're financing human trading.

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他推算了自己的情况,只有嫖娼后感染的可能。He projected his own, only after the prostitutes may be infected.

探讨社会心理因素与嫖客嫖娼行为的关系。To study the relationship of Sociopsychological Factors and whoring behaviour of Whoremaster.

当时,有老乡善意提醒他,小心嫖娼染上艾滋病。At that time, there are well-intentioned fellow remind him that prostitutes infected with AIDS care.

然而在外务工多年后,邓某因嫖娼埋下了一场悲剧的祸根。However, after many years of outstanding workers, Dengmou for prostitution buried seeds of a tragedy.

作为纽约州长,他签署了一部法案,该法案增加了对嫖娼者的罚款。As governor, he signed into law a bill that increased the penalties of those who patronized prostitutes.

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孕妇和嫖娼者的配偶感染艾滋病的比例也在增加。But there are also a growing number of infected pregnant mothers and spouses of the clients of sex workers.

持强、兴奋、独立的个性特征与嫖娼原因有关。The personality sub-factors including adamancy, agitation, independency are related to the initial reason to buy sex.

不过,他们打击了嫖娼,使得许多北京的下等酒吧和夜班出租车司机失去了生意。They have, however, cracked down on prostitution, depriving many of Beijing’s seedier bars and night-shift taxi drivers of business.

“每次我都必须带客户去嫖娼,”一位不愿透露姓名的会计说,“但是没问题,他们会为此买单。”"Every now and then I have to take clients," says one accountant who did not want to be named, "but it's OK. They take credit cards.

男子林某龙将嫖娼心得和照片发在博客网页里任人浏览。Download diary prostitutes Foshan cannon Man Lin Moulong the prostitution experience and photos on the blog in the fancy web browser.

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探讨社会心理因素与嫖客嫖娼行为的关系。It is to deserve attention that there is marked correlation between the whoring behaviour of Whoremaster and the Sociopsychological Factors.

说心里话,我越来越不能忍受那些不断喝酒,嫖娼,抱怨生活艰苦的人。To be honest, I am growing less and less tolerant of negative people who constantly whine, bitch, moan and complain about their tough lives.

请勿在宿舍楼内酗酒、聚赌、吸毒、嫖娼、斗殴或从事其他违法活动。Law-breaking activities such as excessive drinking, gambling, drug-addiction, prostitution and whoring or fight are not allowed in the dormitory.

5月16日,以清新的“中国女婿”形象广受欢迎的演员黄海波在北京一家酒店嫖娼时被警方拘留。Popular actor Huang Haibo, known for his clean image as "China's son-in-law, " was detained by police on May 16 after being caught with a prostitute in aBeijinghotel.

“在我看来,它使高水平的真正自由结合的嫖娼成为可能”,一位原来的性工作者说道,她在俱乐部黄了之后已金盆洗手。"This, in my view, is one thing that made true independent escorting at a high level possible, " said a former sex worker who quit the business when her club was busted.

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那座城市充满了奇怪的人,他们信仰者奇怪的神灵,有着奇怪的头发,那儿的奴隶穿着加穗的托卡,那里以嫖娼为美,屠杀为艺,而狗肉则是一道美食。It was a city of strange men with strange gods and stranger hair, of slavers wrapped in fringed tokars, where grace was earned through whoring, butchery was art, and dog was a delicacy.

据官方媒体周日报道,著名社会评论员、天使投资人、慈善家薛蛮子因涉嫌嫖娼被警方拘留。State media said Sunday that a well-known social commentator, angel investor and philanthropist who goes by the name Xue Manzi had been detained on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute.

开放以后,一些腐朽的东西也跟着进来了,中国的一些地方也出现了丑恶的现象,如吸毒、嫖娼、经济犯罪等。Since China opened its doors to the outside world, decadent things have come in along with the others, and evils such as drug abuse, prostitution and economic crimes have emerged in some areas.