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世界杯决赛还从来没有出现过乌龙球。There has never been an own goal in the World Cup Final.

世界杯乌龙球占进球数的比例是多少?。Is world cup own-goal Zhan goals for proportion a number?

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下一个踢进乌龙球的哥伦比亚球员将会面临着被河马践踏的惩罚。The next Columbian player who own-goals will be trampled by a hippo.

上个月底,澳洲发生了两名抢匪抢错酒吧的乌龙事件。Two robbers picked the wrong bar to rob late last month in Australia.

最后时刻的乌龙球你不能怪裁判,但是时间呢?You can't blame the referee for the own-goal at the end but the time?

快来下载乌龙学院大学英语阅读精讲吧,感受一下这六个字的魅力。Come and download the READING PACKAGE OF CET COURSES from Wulong Academy.

福兰为客队进球,吉尔贝托席尔瓦打进乌龙球。Forlan hit a brace for the visitors and Gilberto Siva netted an own goal.

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也许这正是他保持着我们乌龙球纪录的原因。That's probably why he holds the record for the most own goals against us.

在我新男友面前使手机掉到洗手台里是件很乌龙的事!Dropping the phone in the sink in front of my new boyfriend was a big blooper!

我们能进球,或许那个扳平的乌龙球对我们很幸运,但我们绝对值得得到它。We'll take any goal and maybe the equaliser was lucky, but we fully deserved it.

我们踢得不好,在2005年联赛杯决赛的不幸乌龙球也是另一个失落。Scoring an own goal in the 2005 League Cup final against Chelsea was another low.

第二天上午我们游览了杨家界的一步登天,空中走廊,乌龙寨,天波府。The next morning we toured the's sweeping, air corridors, Oolong Walled, Tianbo House.

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维拉的运气太好,拿到了一个乌龙球,然后我们自己又在禁区犯错。Villa had a huge slick of luck with the own goal and then we switched off at a corner.

不过,英国国内联赛中也出现过一人在一场比赛中打进两个乌龙球的情形。English soccer has witnessed two own goals from one player in domestic action, however.

为阿根廷球队得分的则是帕拉西奥和莱德斯马打在安布罗西尼身上折射进门的乌龙球。For the Argentinean side, Palacio and an own-goal by Ambrosini, from a shot by Ledesma.

乌龙球“帽子戏法”在国际水平的赛事中极为罕见。It is very unusual for three own goals to be scored in one match at international level.

下半场,经过两次的碰转,我们打进乌龙球,他改变一切东西。In the second half, we scored an own goal with two deflections and it changed everything.

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比利亚首开纪录,梅西上演帽子戏法,他还制造了对方一记乌龙。Lionel Messi notched a hat trick. There was also an own goal created by pressure from Messi.

缅甸的翡翠矿位于西北部的雾露河流域,当地人叫“乌龙河”。Myanmar jade mines in the northwest fog River, the local people called " embarrassing River."

他演过“码头风云”“炎热的夜晚”,也演过“乌龙抢匪妙事多”这样的大烂片“He was in "On the Waterfront," "In the Heat of the Night," and really bad movies like "Carpool."