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全世界瞠目惊悚。All the world wondered.

眼瞠目,但很容易做到的!Eye-popping , yet easy to do!

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“维维说的?”她瞠目。"Does Wei Wei say?"She stares.

这真正地是一个令人瞠目吃惊的作用。It really is an eye-popping effect.

人们张口瞠目地注视著光影闪烁表演。People stared in slack-jawed amazement at the light show.

尤其是托利党的宣言,是一长令人瞠目的赌博。And the Tory manifesto in particular is a stunning gamble.

只要你不流口水或张口瞠目,那么就是性感的。As long as you're not drooling or gawking, it can be sexy.

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许多两地上市的中国股票都存在令人瞠目的估值差距。Yawning valuation gaps exist among many of China's dual-listed stocks.

在经历了如此规模的金融危机后,复苏之迅捷令人瞠目。And given the scale of the financial crisis, the recovery is surprisingly brisk.

这些债务没有也不会全部转化为不良贷款,但其数量之巨仍然足以令人瞠目。Not all of that has ─ or will ─ go bad, but the sums are enough to raise eyebrows.

无论是国内生产总值还是资金流的增长,都吸引了媒体的高度关注,其增长幅度之大不仅令人瞠目,而且都有大量事实加以证明。The top line growth – both in GDP and capital flows – is staggering and well documented.

转到更深融入世界的汽车数量没有想过可能令人瞠目的视觉清晰度。Go deeper into the world of CARS than you ever dreamed possible in eye-popping visual clarity.

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詹姆斯·莫里森旅行于世界各地,拍摄了这些令人瞠目的世界各地孩子们卧室的照片。James Mollison traveled around the globe and took some incredibly eye-opening photos of children's bedrooms.

漂亮的梅开二度,两次都是令人瞠目的左脚射门,而第二粒进球可以谓之惊艳。It was a wonderful brace, sealed with two incredible left-footed strikes, the second a real picture post card.

天门山上雪景美丽的让人瞠目,那种美丽可以用惨烈来形容。The top of hill snow landscape's beauty is matchless, but that kind of the beauty can use horrifying to describe.

有一些人十分醉心于权术手段并且十分擅长,殊不知其需要让人瞠目的组织,心血和精力。Some men and women enjoy juggling and get very good at it, but it requires ferocious organisation, focus and energy.

该数组是前卫,后世界末日的视觉盛宴,同样也无数令人瞠目的线索完全亮点。The array is an avantgarde, post-apocalyptic visual feast that has also numerous eye-popping cues to entirely highlight.

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我假设,在发展中国家里美容整形的普遍流行是巴西令人瞠目的不平等的有一个例子。I assumed that the popularity of cosmetic surgery in a developing nation was one more example of Brazil's gaping inequalities.

从这个传奇,我们对于间谍战的本质以及它对现代社会的真正价值,得出令人瞠目的结论。And from this tale we can draw some startling conclusions about the nature of espionage and its real value in the modern world.

许多出版商对电子书的流行速度以及其给印刷书市场带来的威胁感到瞠目。Many publishers have been astounded by the pace of the e-book popularity and the threat to print book sales that it represents.