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她很安静,也很怕羞。She is quiet and shy.

她有点怕羞。She is rather bashful.

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好乖哦。可是好象很怕羞呢。It is ok to be special.

这小女孩怕羞。The little girl felt shy.

贫穷不怕羞,疏懒才光荣。Poverty is no shame, laziness is.

这个怕羞的女孩紧贴着妈妈。The shy child clung to her mother.

还没有看到呆呆的态度哦,小女孩怕羞啊?Never have a girl make me so crazy !

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爱丽丝很怕羞,要设法鼓励她说话。Alice is very shy, try to bring her out.

那时,他非常胆小,也很怕羞。In those days he was very timid and shy.

因为他很怕羞,所以他很少和陌生人说话。He's shy, so he seldom talks to strangers.

这个小孩很怕羞,躲在他妈妈后面。The child was shy and hid behind his mother.

小露西·玛丽安面色苍白,神情紧张,怕羞。Little Lucy Mariam was pale, nervous and shy.

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我很怕羞,觉得社会场合有压力。I am shy and find social situations stressful.

我14岁时很怕羞,逃避参加社交聚会。As a shy 14-year-old, I avoided social gatherings.

她非常怕羞,她不喜欢抛头露面。She is very shy. She doesn't like to show her face.

那孩子怕羞,在陌生人面前感到很不自在。The bashful child felt uncomfortable with strangers.

怕羞的小男孩退缩着不肯上前来见我们。The shy little boy kept himself back from meeting us.

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海伦是一个很怕羞的女孩子,因而不容易交到朋友。Helen is a very shy girl and does not make friends easily.

杰克在陌生人面前怕羞,但和熟人在一起时则无拘无束。Jack is shy with strangers and bold with people he knows well.

她走路有点一瘸一拐,他们说这是因为她怕羞,故意这样的。She had a limp, and they said it was deliberate, from coyness.