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白熊已经说了有差事。Ice bear already mentioned errands.

“这头白熊太软弱了,”他说,“有时我碰到这种事时,我会保护它们。Sometimes that gets to me. I'm protective.

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一种大白熊栖居于北极附近。A big white bear lives near the North Pole.

那只白熊只好慢慢消失在丛林中。The white bear lumbers into a thicket and disappears.

利用白熊效应,我们可以创造一种梦境基础。Using the white bear effect, we can create dream inception.

一个白熊从树林中走出来到溪边岩石上。A white bear steps out of the tree cover onto a streamside rock.

大白熊也很适应各种不同的气候。The Great Pyrenees is also very adaptable to different climates.

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当你试图抑制自己不要去想白熊的想法时,这种想法会更强烈。The thought of a white bear rebounds after you try to suppress it.

我们的动物园里还有棕熊、黑熊和白熊。In our zoo there are also brown bears, black bears and white bears.

与我们在科布里岛见到的白熊相比,这头熊要更大些,也显得更加自信。This bear's bigger and more confident than the Gribbell Island bear.

大白熊是一种高智商并具有高度洞察力的犬种。The Great Pyrenees is a highly intelligent and very perceptive breed.

在他们最典型的工作中,他们告诉人们不要想一只白熊。In their classic work, they told people to not think about a white bear.

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大白熊具有高度的智商和洞察力,并且也非常独立。The breed is highly intelligent and perceptive and also very independent.

科学家知道黑熊是怎么生出白熊的,但他们不知道真正的原因。Scientists know how black bears are born white. They're just not sure why.

当时猎人们射杀了一只长着棕色斑块皮毛白熊。This was after a white bear with patches of brown fur was shot by hunters.

北极白熊,北极生活的最大熊类。Ursus maritimus, the largest of all living bear species to adapt to the Arctic.

可爱的白熊在北极一望无际的冰面上漫步,在临近海岸的海水中游弋。Polar bears roam the Arctic ice sheets and swim in that region's coastal waters.

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哪里又卖比较纯的牧羊犬和大白熊狗狗的?。Where sells the comparatively pure shepherd dog and comes out the bear dog dog's?

但是,也有可能,至少那团毛发不属于照片中的白熊。However, it is also likely to have nothing to do with the white bear in the picture.

小尼尔森表示,希望在白熊有所提高后,将他签回。"We're hoping to re-sign him when the situation is a little more right, " Nelson said.