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我们会时来运转的。Our time will come.

那天晚上我时来运转了。That evening my lucks turns.

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这时来运转是没有预见到的。This turn of fortune was unforeseen.

时来运转,我们赢了。Fortune turnes the tables and we won.

我们很快就会时来运转的,心肝儿。We'll get a lucky break soon, sweetheart.

奥巴马可以像克林顿一样时来运转。Like Mr Clinton, this man can turn on a dime.

但别忘却那时来运转的机遇。But don't forget the times your luck has turned.

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不必担心!或许下一回你会时来运转呢。Never mind! Perhaps youll have better luck next time.

送你一只大桃花,时来运转全靠它。Send you a large fortune turnes the peach blossom, depend on it.

送你一只桃花,时来运转全靠它。送你一扎白合,百年好和指望它。Delivers you a pallid to gather, hundred years good and count on it.

这是去年军事政变后出现的惊人的时来运转。It'a a stunning reversal of fortune after last year's military coup.

然而,离开迈阿密之后,他开始时来运转。But his fortunes began to change almost immediately after he left Miami.

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在旁遮普邦、古吉拉特邦、泰米尔纳德邦及比哈尔邦,国大党时来运转,重获生机。In Punjab, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Bihar Congress’s fortunes have revived.

也许,文章被采用的事情,只是他百般渴望之中一个时来运转的开端。The acceptance of his article might be the prelude to a run of badly-needed luck.

时来运转,小王正集中精力地准备参加公司组织的歌咏比赛。For the time being, Wang is focused on a singing contest his company is organizing.

最后10分钟,特兰米尔队时来运转,终于收获了进球。In the last 10 minutes Tranmere struck a purple patch which culminated in their goal.

后来我们时来运转,我们把您给他的十先令投在僧伽罗身上。Then the luck turned, with that ten shillings he had from you, that we put on Singhalese.

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如果对你不利,那么沉住气,最近的经验表明你总会有时来运转的那一天。If it's not friendly, then be patient--recent experience shows that the tide will always turn.

送你一只桃花,时来运转全靠它。Delivers you a peach blossom, a change inone's fortune from bad to good depends entirely on it.

他放弃了战斗,却时来运转了,虽然来得太迟。At the very moment when he had abandoned the fight, the tide turned. But it had turned too late.