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这种别出心裁的“纪念礼物”,将会让他们终身难忘。This unique gift will make them unforgetable.

“别出心裁”沙发有无穷的组合。There are endless combinations possible with “Misfits.”

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一些别出心裁的饭店已经开始同时留宿人和宠物。Fancy hotels are beginning to accommodate both man and pets.

赠送一束玫瑰花给恋人—―并在这束玫瑰上面别出心裁地打一个结。Give your lover a dozen roses -- and do it with a creative twist.

别出心裁,绝不雷同,这是新凯骊产品的独特之道!Ingenuity and absolute dissimilarity characterize the product of Nkelly!

时间对于别出心裁的小花样是最无情的。Time is the most merciless to small pattern different from the usual pattern.

在三折页的设计上,良将匠心独运,别出心裁,精美图片的插入更是锦上添花。In the design of the three folding, him, classic, elegant picture insert more.

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结婚了十年后,我发现了一种别出心裁的方法,可以让爱的火花永保新鲜。After get marriaged for ten years, i found a unique way to refresh my love life.

包着别出心裁的礼物的皮儿开了,上面扎的蝴蝶结装饰带也开了。The fancy gift wrapping goes flying and so does the bow with which it's adorned.

这个方案富于创造性的,别出心裁,很有魅力,所以他们都很喜欢。This scheme is very creationary , unique and charming, so they like it too much.

但是可以确定的是米拉奇先生的途径别出心裁,有点背离正统。But what is certain is that Mr.Milarch's approach is unique, if somewhat unorthodox.

但是可以确定的是米拉奇先生的途径别出心裁,有点背离正统。But what is certain is that Mr. Milarch’s approach is unique, if somewhat unorthodox.

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然而,雷布弗雷德女士把我叫到一边,建议我来点“别出心裁的。”However, Ms. Leibfried took me aside and suggested I do something “a little different.

结婚了廿一年后,我发现了一种别出心裁的方法,可以让爱的火花永保新鲜。After get marriage for twenty-one years, I found an unique way to refresh my love life.

结婚了廿一年后,我发现了一种别出心裁���方法,可以让爱的火花永保新鲜。After get marriaged for twenty-one years, i found an unique way to refresh my love life.

另一方面,大卫努力制作了一套奇特的、别出心裁的皮革裤套装。David, on the other hand, had labored to fabricate a curious patent leather trouser suit.

我确信自己真的对该功能欲罢不能,这个主意简直别出心裁。I must convince that I’m really addicted to this feature, and the idea is simply ingenious.

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结婚了廿一年后,我发现了一种别出心裁的方法,可以让爱的火花永保新鲜。After being married for twenty-one years, i had found an unique way to refresh my love life.

2005年修订后的比赛规则迫使空气动力学家们更加别出心裁。Revised regulations introduced in 2005 forced the aerodynamicists to be even more ingenious.

不过其到底是误入歧途,还是别出心裁,只有等正式发售后才能见分晓。But its in the end is going astray, or ingenuity, only to see the outcome after such a formal sale.