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1934年的大众语论争,非常具有历史的戏剧性。The discussion of public language in 1934 has historical dramatic.

他靠论争而成名,并将生殖学推到了极限。为此他便理所当然地被视为危险人物。And that of course is one reason why he's seen as being so dangerous.

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人们苦苦思索中国新诗的出路在哪里,十几年来论争不断。But the contestation has not being ended since more than ten years ago.

到了现代,这一论争发展到了“白炽化”的阶段,成为研究的焦点。Today, the controversy runs to incandescence and becomes focus of research.

其次,论争对文化统一战线进行了理论探索。Second, the controversy persons had a theoretic exploration to the cultural united front.

土生土长的宁波人刘慈军说,对象山岛大桥项目的论争始于1994年。Serious discussion of the Xiangshan Island Bridge dates to 1994, says Ningbo-native Liu Cijun.

雅俗论争,是中国现代小说史的中心话题之一。The dispute over elegance and commonplace is one focus in the history of modern Chinese novels.

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那些争论有的已经被解决,有的被遗忘,其他的正要继续扩大论争,第三类的思潮已经获得共识,但没有付诸行动,有些争议持续白热化地燃烧。A third category of ideas commands assent, but no action. And some arguments still burn white-hot.

杜亚泉是“五四”文化论争中的主要人物之一,他因为主张“文化调和论”而被视为新文化运动的对立面。Du Yaquan is one of the main characters on cultural debates during the period of May 4th Movement.

北宋的党争不仅是政见之争,也是学术思想、文学观念的冲突和论争。The party contest in the late Northern Song Dynasty had both political and scholarly implications.

从德克萨斯州克劳福特牧场逃离的布什,他可不能逃避这场论争。As for Bush, who decamped to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, there was no escaping the contradictions.

本文主要梳理了此次办院方针之争的具体情形,并结合当时的社会背景探讨这一论争的意义。The paper try to hackle the specific process of the controversy, and explore the significance of it.

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在其与“语丝派”的论争中,其民主文化的观念亦得到了充分展现。In its debate with "the Yusi School", its conception of democracy and culture has been folly displayed.

历史悲乐论的论争,是从古至今一直争论不休的问题。It is a vexed question on the controversy of pessimism of history theory and optimism of history theory.

作为学术论争,我刊欢迎这方面的商榷文章,特予以刊载。As learning agonistic, my print welcomes the deliberate article of this respect, give especially publish.

本文从左翼文艺运动发展的角度,考察了鲁迅在革命文学论争过程中的文艺观和文艺实践。This paper is based on the left-wing literary movement, reviewing the literary views and practice by Luxun.

现代逻辑产生以来,名称问题上的学术论争集中在描述理论和因果理论之间。Disputes over names since modern logic are between Descriptivist Theory of Names and Causal Theory of Names.

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现代逻辑产生以来,名称问题上的学术论争集中在描述理论和因果理论之间。Disputes about names since modern logic are between Descriptivist Theory of Names and Causal theory of Names.

“知识分子写作”与“民间立场”写作之争,是朦胧诗以来最大的一次诗歌论争。The argument between intellectual writing and folk position has been the most effective one since Menglong Poem.

电影的“商品性”和“艺术性”论争从19世纪绵延至今,此消彼长而无定论。The arguments on its nature of either commodity or artistry have lasted till the present since the 19th century.