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他又获得了重新起用。He was started again.

我认为在决赛中我们应起用布朗。I think we should play Brown in the finals.

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这一问题让人想起用几何学加以解答。The problem can be thought of geometrically.

这场篮球比赛起用了两名替补队员。Two substitutes were called in during the basketball game.

自从起用了新网站,我们的男装收入已经翻了三番。Our revenue for menswear has tripled since we launched the new site.

我知道,契悟真心、从真心起用能够有所成就。I now know what can be achieved by finding and acting from our Pure Mind.

试看六根如何起用,观察自己的动机及活动的后果。See how you function , watch the motives and the results of your actions.

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警方起用了电警棍和催泪瓦斯以试图恢复秩序。Police use battons used batons and tear gas trying to try to restore order.

我们必须权衡一下起用新系统所需的成本和它将带来的效益。We have to weigh the cost of the new system against the benefits it will bring.

“折手纸工”这个词在18世纪初开始偶然起用。The word "origami" came to be used occasionally by the beginning of the 18th century.

听说不错。但有传闻说这电影起用了一些华裔演员。Sounds great. But there were rumours that the director uses some foreign actors of Chinese origin.

波波维奇试着在吉诺比利之前起用特格格鲁,做为某一时段的即时火力。Popovich tried to jump-start Turkoglu, starting him ahead of Manu Ginobili, and for a time the spark caught.

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起用滨田一事在民主党内也引发了批评,必将影响此后的国会审议。Hamada begun using the issue in the Democratic Party has also sparked criticism will affect the next Congress.

因此,他主张起用儒学思想在新形势下对国民精神作重新统合。Therefore, he advocated begun using Confucianism under the new situation of the national spirit for re-integration.

这项工作的第一步,是起用诚实的警察和独立的法官,这样,各地居民便能得到司法公正。This effort would begin with projects to create honest cops and independent judges so local citizens could get justice.

这是省内首起用印染助剂加工成食用盐,且涉案数量最大的案件。This is the first province to appoint auxiliaries processed into edible salt, and involved the largest number of cases.

找出肩胛骨的顶部边沿,从颈部起用拇指和手指向外挤压肌冈。Find the edge of the top of your partner's godet and use your thumb and fingers to rub the muscle outside from the neck.

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迫使人们起用新的管理方法来管理图书,如何把图书管理员从繁重的工作中解脱出来呢?Forces the people to appoint the new management to manage the books, how extricates the librarian from the arduous work?

既然喜欢大姐姐,为何新作又大胆起用新生代女星刘亦菲?Since likes the big elder sister, the recent work is also why bold appoints the Cainozoic Era star Liu also Philippines?

新型经济的目标是起用取之不尽、用之不竭的太阳能,将可更新能源作为拥有未来文明模式的基础。The aim of new type economy will use endless solar energy, and takes renewable energy as the base of future civilization pattern.