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况且,我也还没干完我从鬼门关回来该做的事。Anyway, I hadn't yet done what I'd come back to do.

国际比赛日对于经理们来说是个鬼门关。International breaks are a nervous time for managers.

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一只家养犬把一个新生男婴从鬼门关救了回来。A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death.

这起事故的受害者是被人从鬼门关里抢救出来。The firemen rescued the little girl form the jaws of death.

他的赌瘾太深了,让他到了鬼门关。His drug addiction was so bad that it became his jaws of death.

假如你工作太多小时,你的工作将把你带入鬼门关。If you work too many hours your job can become the jaws of death.

让你们的政委说出实情吧,很快他就要把你们送进鬼门关了。Demand truth from your commissars, they will soon send you to sure death.

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从鬼门关回来的泰德决定避免在俱乐部和酒吧认识其他人。After his near-death experience, Ted decides to avoid meeting men in clubs and bars.

自过鬼门关外天,命同人鲊瓮头船。Through the gate of hell from outer space, life urn colleagues preserved fish head boat.

每逢坐车,我感觉几乎去了一次鬼门关,倒着脚重新投胎回来凡间。Every car, I feel almost went to a gate of hell, be born again to come back mortal feet backwards.

曼海大桥被贩毒者称为“鬼门关”,因为他们总是在这里遭到失败。Manhai Bridge is called "jaws of death" by drug traffickers, for they are always doomed to failure here.

亚瑟顿市一位蛇类专家认为,可汗能逃过鬼门关,是因为那条蛇未能注入大量毒液。An Atherton snake expert believes Khan escape death because the snake was not able to inject a large amount of venom.

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但在你跨过鬼门关之前,你必须了解你对于那些关心你的人造成了巨大的痛苦。But before you leap, you have to live with the knowledge that you're causing great pain to everyone who cares about you.

如果我即将要到鬼门关走一遭,至少陪伴我的这个人有机会把我活着带出来。If I was about to go through hell, I was at least making the trip with a man who stood a chance of getting me out alive.

查理,这简直就是一个鬼门关。我今天和政府官员一起与国会山上的民主党人和共和党人谈过。Charlie, it is just a killer. I spoke with Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill today with administration officials.

既然你把我从鬼门关里拽回来,我就敢坦白一切,并且奢望你的原谅。Now that you dragged me out of the gate of hell, I dare to admit what I did and have extravagant hopes for your forgiveness.

那些被医生断定没有希望的病人们由于被爱和信仰从鬼门关回来的例子不胜枚举。Time and again patients given over by their doctors as doomed have made miraculous recoveries through the faith of some loved one.

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大多数濒死体验很简短,因为当事人被从鬼门关抢救回去,所以只回想起了最初的印象。Most often a NDE is brief, as the person is being snatched back from the jaws of death, so only this initial impression is recalled.

我感觉,我的病情可能会越来越恶化,我不想病再重了,因为那样我很有可能站在了鬼门关边上。I grew concerned that I might take turn for the worse. I did not want to become sicker , because then surely I would be at death door.

雪樱子告诉杜雪颜,同为女人,当时她在鬼门关挣扎,而雪颜却在幸福希望中分娩。Snow yingzi told Du Xueyan, as a woman, she was in the jaws of death struggle, but in the hope of happiness and snow Yan in childbirth.