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一个秃顶的犹太人亲包法利夫人?A bald Jew is kissing Madame Bovary?

秃顶的男人通常会带棒球帽。Men who are going bald often wear baseball caps.

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吉尔忍不住拿他的秃顶开玩笑。Jill couldn't resist makeing jokes about his baldness.

哦,他比她老。而且他相当矮,还秃顶。Well, he's older than her. And he's quite short and bald.

“什么!”那秃顶朋友几乎不相信自己的耳朵。What! " That bald-headed friend could not believe her ears."

他注意到周围金发的男人总是先秃顶。He had observed all around him how blond men went bald first.

凯撒大帝戴一顶月桂花冠是因为他快要秃顶了。Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath because he was going bald.

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剃秃顶发也能让她在埃及使人梗塞的很热衷连结风凉。B shaved head also helped her stay cool in Egypts stifling heat.

他是个中年人,相貌普通——秃顶,身材还好。He was middle aged, pretty average-looking – balding, in OK shape.

你将绝对不会在电视上看见很多大腹便便、秃顶、衰老的男人。You certainly wouldn’t see many paunchy, balding, older guys on TV.

他大概30岁,也许要年轻一点,秃顶,但不严重,有点瘦,但不虚弱。He is around 30, maybe a little younger, bearded, but not heavily so.

这个水手长助手是个秃顶,面带伤疤和凶相的大力士。The bos'n's mate was a heavy man, bald, with a scarred and brutal face.

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40岁的A先生是个推销员,秃顶,一身皱巴巴的灰色西装,戴着眼镜。Mr A is a bald 40-year-old salesman in a crumpled grey suit and glasses.

很久以前,一个炎热的下午,一个秃顶的男人干完活后坐下来休息。There was once a Bald Man who sat down after work on a hot summer's day.

哦,是的,是的,咳,我想象中的你和你本人不一样,秃顶,肥胖。Oh, yea, yea, well, I think I just pictured you differently. Balder , fatter.

那个人走进来——又矮,又丑,还秃顶,嘴上带着奇怪的唇裂。In walks this man -- short, ugly, balding, and speaking with a strange harelip.

我右边一个秃顶的人,用的在线摄像头,连接到三脚架。A bald man to my right knelt by his top-of-the-line camera, attached to a tripod.

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在女权世界中,男性秃顶,甚至头发稀少都是无法接受的。Being bald or even having thinning hair is just as unacceptable in the Gynocracy.

这个领域是他自己创造出来的吗,他有个疯狂秃顶的范德格腊夫脑袋。Does he generate this field himself, out of his own crazy, bald, Van de Graaff head?

一只苍蝇出现了,它不停的在男人的秃顶上飞来飞去,时不时的还叮咬他一下。Fly came up and kept buzzing about his bald pate, and stinging him from time to time.