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这是一个定语从句。This is an attributive clause.

由绿色墨水书写的,应该是用以前分词做定语。I received a letter written in green ink.

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上面一齐看看这些定语从句。Let's review these attributive clauses now.

定语性名词起形容词作用。An attributive noun functions as an adjective.

作定语王先生是其房子在我们房子附近的那位医生。Mr. Wang is the doctor whose house is near ours.

由于没有现在分词做后置定语收到他的信,我给他打了电话。Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.

复杂定语因其结构复杂,往往容易引起语病。Its complex construction may easily lead to faulty wordings.

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这些减译、增译的成分主要是状语,其次是定语。The element added or omitted is mainly adverbial , or attribute.

这个通过后面的定语从句就能很容易的推断出来,是一种鸟。She recently had to feed a group of toucans , which are rare birds.

有些分词既可当定语用,也可当表语用。Some participles can be used either as attributes or as predicatives.

让学生思考同位语从句与定语从句的差异。What's the difference between relative clauses and appositive clauses?

按照位置,可以将定语分为前置定语和后置定语。There are prepositive and postpositive attributes in terms of position.

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定语在中心语前,修饰、限制或描写中心语。The attributive precedes the center word to modify, restrict or describe it.

注意逗号在非限制性定语从句中的用法。Pay attention to the use of commas in the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

按照位置,可以将定语分为前置定语和后置定语。There are PageRankepositive and postpositive attributes in terms of position.

把下列句中的定语从句改为分词短语。Change the attributive clause in the following sentences into participial phrase.

用作主语,定语,宾语和状语的不定式的四种功能的用法。Four functions of the infinitives used as subject, attribute, object and adverbial.

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各种自动车床的作用基本相同,但形式不同4、定语转译技巧。Automatic lathes perform basically similar functions but apper in avaritety of forms.

定语从句是英语学习中见得最多、用得最广的从句之一。The Attributive Clause is one of the clauses that are used the most widely in English.

主、宾语位置上的定语在句中可以前移至句首作话题主语。The attribute modifying subject or object can be moved before sentence as topic subject.