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杰克抛出绳索套住了那头小公牛。Jack dabbed his rope on the steer.

他把椅子从窗户中抛出。He hove a chair through the window.

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这时彼得抛出绳套套住了狼。Peter threw a rope around the wolf.

该操作将抛出一个异常。This operation throws an exception.

谢伊抛出了一只复制品。Shea has made copies and throws one.

甚至于他还抛出了几个佩林式的媚眼.He even essays a few Palinesque winks.

如果它在高速缓存中,则抛出一个错误。If it is in the cache, throw an error.

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现在,挑战书已经抛出。And so the gauntlet is now thrown down.

他把线抛出,然后把线绕回。He cast the line and then reel it back.

他用全力将球抛出。He canted the ball with all his stength.

否则,它应抛出异常。Otherwise, it should throw an exception.

如果找不到这个库,就会抛出这个错误。If this library is not found, the error is thrown.

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或者上帝为了使你高兴而抛出一首五行打油诗。Or God will toss off a limerick for your pleasure.

陈云贤代表乘机抛出了一个“绣球”。"flew out on behalf of Chen Yun-yin, a" Hydrangea.

记住一点,该方法从不抛出异常。Remember that the method never throws an exception.

他看见美丽动人的姑娘抛出卖弄风情的眼色。He saw coquettish glances cast by magnificent girls.

这是一个问题,因此我们需要在此处抛出错误。This is a problem, so we need to throw a fault here.

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当这堆面包被随随抛出之际,节日正式开始!The festival started when these bread were fell down.

我第一次抛出船外几个备用码和梁。I first threw overboard several spare yards and spars.

如果遇到嵌套的元素就会抛出异常。It throws an exception if it finds any nested elements.