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斗式排沙装置是该取水头部的关键组成部分。Bucket sand drainage installation is its key part.

人们用手掘井取水,却每每挖到顽石。People are digging wells by hand, but they hit rock.

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生活摆脱了取水的苦工。Lives are lifted from the drudgery of fetching water.

马克打着炉子,融雪取水。Marc fires up the stove for fresh water from snowmelt.

对渗滤取水的取水量影响因素分析。Analyzing the factors that influence the water quantity.

研究了黄河干流区域间取水权市场。Yellow River trunk stream RWTR market among regions is studied.

我们钻井取水差不多有一个月了,还是没有成功。We've been drilling for water for almost a month without success.

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姜法拉的一个新取水点,女孩们正在享用清洁的水源。Girls enjoy the clean water from the new water points in Tianfala.

使用大的盛水的容器以使取水的次数减到最少。Minimize the number of trips to water by carrying water containers.

妇女们取的水是脏的并且还经常有人取水的时候让鳄鱼吃掉。Women are regularly eaten by crocodiles while fetching dirty water.

所以你们必从救恩的泉源欢然取水。Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

她们每天光是取水,有时就得花费5至6个小时。Sometimes they have to spend up to 5-6 hours a day just collecting water.

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离开水源露营给野生动物让一条取水的路。Camping away from the water's edge also allows access routes for wild life.

儿童,特别是女孩,为了去取水可能缺课。Children, in particular girls, can miss school in order to go and get water.

他要取水挖掘红泥,并把它混成稠密的粘土。He had to carry water and dig up the red earth and mix it into a stiff clay.

这使得钻井取水花费巨大,供水合同更加有利可图。That has made water drilling more costly and water contracts more lucrative.

到那井里取水的最后一个人叫威廉·范·吉耳逊。The last person who drew water from the well was named Guillaume van Kylsom.

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居民们从运河中取水饮用,洗涤,沐浴,通过运河传送物品。Inhabitants used the water for bathing, washing, drinking and transportation.

许多人靠这条水质受污、可致疫病的河流来取水。Many people were dependent for their water supply on this pestilential stream.

他们收集的情报显示,食人族正在建设一个取水机。Information is gathered that the Creepers are building a water capture machine.