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对擅闯民宅这种事,人们也不能太在意了。One really can't be too careful about invasion.

火箭炮袭击了医院和多所民宅。Rockets struck the hospital and multiple homes.

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这座普通的民宅为前后两个小院。The cottage is made up of two small courtyards.

究竟算是偷金库还是偷民宅?。Be all steal exchequer or steal civilian curtilage?

洪水可能冲走树木、山坡、车辆甚至民宅。Floods can carry away trees, hillsides, cars and even houses.

警方表示,其实这是一只野猫误闯入民宅。Police said it was a wild cat that strayed into people's homes.

被毁的民宅内部。美国,路易斯安那,新奥尔良。Inside of destroyed residential house. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

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坊间有出现以送桶装水名义,私入民宅!There appeared in textbooks, send bottled water into homes private!

基地地面原有大量民宅,现已动迁,目前为空地,地势平坦。The large number of the residential houses has been relocated on the land.

抢匪冒充建筑检查员进入民宅。The robbers entered people's homes by pretending to be building inspectors.

当时彼得大帝直接租了一栋民宅,几乎一趴下就睡着了Instead he just went and rented a private house and fell asleep almost immediately.

塞利格曼的房子有5间卧室,是一栋联体建筑中28套高端民宅之一。Seligman's five-bedroom home is one of 28 upscale family properties at the complex.

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山东省属于寒冷地区,农村民宅居住热环境普遍较差。The general thermal environment condition of rural housing in ShanDong province is poor.

据报道,现在当局已经责令铅中毒事件中所有靠近民宅的电池工厂关停。Authorities have now closed both battery plants blamed for the poisoning, the report said.

原有民宅中处于中心的一座两层楼的木结构房子被保留下来。The central orginal 2-storey building with wood structures among the complex is preserved.

蜜岩村被保留下来的古民宅众多,大多夹杂在现代建筑之中。Honey Village was preserved many of the ancient houses, mostly mixed in modern architecture.

老鼠在新德里市区并不少见,公园里、街道上,甚至民宅内都可见它们四处流窜。In New Delhi, rats can be easily seen scurrying across public parks, streets and even in homes.

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学生们不能在民宅从事家政或进行护理工作。Students cannot work as housekeepers in private homes or be involved impatient in patient care.

民宅庭院传统上铺有陶瓷碎片,即创造一种马赛克效果。Courtyards of housing compounds were traditionally paved with pottery shards, creating a mosaic.

此外,不满夜袭民宅和轰炸造成平民伤亡的情绪也与日俱增。And there is increasing distress at night raids on homes and civilian casualties from air strikes.