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他推着小脚轮车乒乒乓乓地过了几道门。He crashed the trolley through the doors.

石头里只有奇巧的“小脚”石派上了用处。Only “delicate” Small-Foot rocks were arrayed.

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从他身后他听见一阵轻轻地小脚拖着脚走路的声音。Behind him he heard a quiet scuffling of small feet.

不过晚上那小脚的滋味可痛了。But the night that the taste of feet can be painful.

女星詹妮弗·加纳有重叠的小脚趾。Actress Jennifer Garner has an overlapping pinky toe.

那时,她雪白的小脚正踏过莎莉花园。She passed the Sally gardens with little snow-white feet.

她穿越莎莉花园,以雪白的小脚。She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.

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她那一双雪白的小脚款款走过柳园。She passed the Salley Gardens, With little snow-white feet.

如果你感觉壁虎的小脚,它们不会觉得太黏。If you feel their little feet, they don't feel sticky at all.

有人甚至称夏、商时期的禹妻、妲己便是小脚。Some even said the Xia, Shang period, Yu's wife, Daji is the feet.

“女王,我爱您的小脚和高跟鞋,”一位粉丝评论道。"Queen, I love your feet and your high heels, " one fan commented.

城里一个富有的鞋匠把她的小脚量了一下——这件事是在他自己店里、在他自己的一个小房间里做的。The rich shoemaker in the city took the measure of her little foot.

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抑或,给你多少钱,你才愿意砍掉一根小脚趾?Or how much would you have to be paid to have one little toe cut off?

我的那个‘一路呜、呜、呜地哭回家’的小脚趾给碰了一下。I stubbed the little piggy that went 'whee, whee, whee all the way home. '

那只小脚就像一个小鼓包,你还能看到妈妈的肚子在动呢。The foot felt just like a little bump, and you could see Mom's tummy move too.

跳伞时凤小脚的脚腕受伤,苟金石一直背着她前进。If jump when the chicken foot ankle injury, stone has been carrying her forward.

他对小脚、辫子等“国渣”的赞赏或维护也是事实。It is real that he praised or supported such "dregs" like bound feet and plaits.

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看着我冻僵的小脚,奶奶决定给我做一双布棉鞋。Look at my feet, grandma frozen stiff decided to make a pair of cloth padded boots.

那是小脚跑过的声音——在他后面,在他前面,在他的周围。It was the sound of little feet running-behind him, in front him, on all side of him.

小脚小心翼翼地踩在秋天的落叶上,发出清脆悦耳的响声,萦绕在耳畔。Foot gingerly stepping on the fallen leaves of autumn, a crisp sweet, lingering in the ears.