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我审阅了这书的样稿。I read the book in proof.

我们可以一起审阅这套设计图吗?Shall we go through the drawings together?

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我们将在一起审阅这些论文。We shall go through these papers together.

编辑已审阅过这篇稿件。The editor had read through the manuscript.

老师正在审阅汤姆的英语答卷。The teacher is reading Tom's English paper.

审阅总分类帐和财务报告。Review general ledger and Financial Reports.

我们此时正在审阅你们的申请书。We are currently reviewing your application.

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你递交你的申请,然后他们会审阅申请You place in your application and then they look

审阅任何相关的活动状态。Reviewing the state of any associated Activities.

我们此时正在审阅你们的申请书。We are at this moment reviewing your application.

审阅,调查和输入每日收入对帐表科目。Review, investigation and input of back page item.

请审阅一下这些数字,看看我计算得对不对好吗?。Would you give these figures a look-over to check my calculations?

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如果您不审阅这些失败,那么测试就没有意义了。If you're not reviewing the failures, the tests become meaningless.

如果审阅完成,事件处理程序会对此变量进行递减。If a review is finished, the event handler decrements this variable.

在电影公司找份做剧本审阅人或故事编辑的工作。Apply for a job working as a coveragist or story editor at a film studio.

在循环中,将为每个审阅人员启动此事件的一个实例。In a loop, we start one instance of this event handler for each reviewer.

对于高度技术性的内容,你可以让一位科学家审阅你的草稿。For highly technical content, you could let a scientist review your draft.

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审阅并准备从各种原始资料输入总分类帐的最后数据。Review and prepare final input in the General Ledger from various sources.

粗略的想法是,我们建模一个触发审阅活动的事件处理程序。The rough idea is that we model an event handler that triggers one review.

谢谢你不厌其烦地替我审阅这个稿子。Thank you FOR the trouble you have taken in reading over the manuscript FOR me.