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鲍勃是位行骗高手,并以行骗为生。Bob makes his living as a con artist.

在任何情况下都不要行骗。Don't deceive under any circumstance.

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当她看见他行骗时,她双眼直冒火。Her eyes blazed when she saw him cheating.

中国几乎就是行骗。China is on almost every dimension cheating.

他因涉嫌在街上行骗而被拘捕。He was arrested for humbugging in the street.

是她为他们提供了行骗的场地。It is she that gives them the site for wangling.

姐妹甚至还演示了她们如何行骗。The women even demonstrated how they had done it.

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我对自己的行骗技巧充满自信。I have every confidence in my scrounging abilities.

在里德尔行骗期间,那位律师正居住在俄罗斯。At the time, the real attorney was living in Russia.

那种行骗行为令许多想去投资的人欲往而止。That swindle soured a great many potential investors.

这是对行骗者和他们的诡计的一次有趣描写。A clever look at con artists and their games of deception.

在他行骗的路上,他的体内一直带着他们的声音和气味。He’d gone on the road with their sounds and smells inside him.

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留心,留心!行骗而无所害怕者,也将无所顾虑。Beware, beware! he'll cheat'ithout scruple, who can without fear.

趁年轻时学一点手艺,以便在年老时可不靠行骗为生。Learn some craft when young, that when old you may live without craft.

在行骗的过程中,庞氏骗局似乎是一个没有受害者的犯罪案件。For the duration of a Ponzi scheme, it may seem like a victimless crime.

他一生中的大部分时间以行骗为生,是个没有固定住址的人。He’d been a grifter most of his life, a guy without a permanent address.

骗子会雇佣以英语为母语的人精心伪造电子邮件,然后再发给远在美国的行骗对象。The scammers started hiring English speakers to craft emails to US targets.

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上面说,有个人假装他是电力局的到处行骗。It says, there is a man going around pretending he's from the electricity board.

一个行骗高手在通常情况下,会对自己所说的谎言深信不疑。You're a better liar, more generally, if you believe the lie that you're telling.

他在拉斯维加斯行骗多年,之后在70年代移师英国。For years he then worked the con in Las Vegas before fleeing to England in the 1970s.