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你真是天降福星。You are a godsend.

天天好运道,日日福星照!Good luck every day, according tofu!

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在说这大门两侧的福星和寿星。Longevity here both sides of this gate.

但是好在金星本身是颗福星,也就还没那么坏。But Venus is a benefic- it isn't so bad.

在我动身的时光,祝我一路福星罢,我的朋友们!At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends!

安信证券大福星行情交易系统2007.10.18更新。EMC stock market trading system, large Fuxing 2007.10.18 update.

对于高级官员而言,计算机技术既是福星也是灾星。For the top brass , computer technology is both a blessing and a curse.

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念头端正,福星临,念头不正,灾星照。Thought well, the idea is not straight, star, according the bitterest curse.

深圳市福星电动车制造厂是一家实力雄厚的本地企业。Shenzhen Fuxing manufacturer of electric vehicles is a strong local enterprises.

原版的大福星行情系统,打包了最新版的交易软件。The original lucky star big market, packed with the latest version of the software trade.

新县长一听把前任县长骂作灾星,却把自己当成福星,高兴极了。The new one to the former county magistrate scolded for Zaixing, put her as a lucky star, delighted.

汽车厂家同时也加强了福特嘉年华,林肯MKT,福特福星和林肯MKZ的车顶板。The automaker also strengthened the roofs of the Ford Flex, Lincoln MKT, Ford Fusion, and Lincoln MKZ.

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公关也是一个最为有效却花费巨大的工具,因为在企业资金周转不灵时,公关就是个福星。PR is also one of the most cost efficient tools available, which can be a blessing when finances are tight.

周大福珠宝「福星宝宝」系列是代表「健康、平安、快乐、真情、家和、智慧、财富」的天使家族。"Bao Bao Family Collection" represents the verve, Serenel, Joy, Amour, harmony, witty and rich angel family.

超级口福星黄文升带领美食同好到婆罗洲第一大城古晋市寻访独特和罕见的美食。Famous Gourmet Vincs Huang leading a group to explore the fantastic foods of Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo island.

在我动身的时光,祝我一路福星罢,我的朋友们!天空里晨光辉煌,我的前途是美丽的。At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends! The sky is flushed with the dawn and my path lies beautiful.

虽然数百人都为新福星混合动力车型作出了贡献,但吉尔是福特混合动力车项目的中坚。While hundreds of individuals contributed to the new Fusion Hybrid, Portalatin is the point man for Ford's hybrid vehicles.

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北京金福星管道设备有限公司是一家专业生产、销售沟槽管件的综合性公司。Beijing Fuxing the pipeline Equipment Co. , Ltd. is a professional production and sale of the pipe trench integrated companies.

2010款福特福星混合动力车就是证明,该车展示了一种活跃的思维,并且在底特律生产的优良产品上体现出来。Proof comes in the form of the 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid, a car that demonstrates active minds are working on great cars in Detroit.

不料精通犬语的谭咏麟与守卫鸽交谈后,五福星得以逃出囹圄,与洪携手跟日本黑帮决一死战。But good dogs and guard Alan Tam language conversation pigeons , five lucky star to escape from prison, together with Japan and Hong die gang.