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大部分的战俘在数周内丢掉性命.Most of the POWs died within weeks.

两军交换了战俘。The two armies exchanged prisoners.

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不确定,他们会抓住战俘It would vary. They could capture them.

不损坏庄稼,不调戏妇女,不虐待战俘。Don't molest crops, women or prisoners of war.

这些被驱逐的人类阴郁而恼怒,就像战俘一样。The evicted humans are sullen and angry, like POW’s.

战俘们在这个纳粹据点地下挖出了三条隧道。POWs excavated three tunnels below this Nazi stronghold.

敌人给住在特别单人牢房里的所有战俘洗脑。The enemy brainwashed all its prisoners in special cells.

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麦凯恩跟其他战俘一起走下公交车,还作了个鬼脸。McCain grimaces as he steps off a bus with other prisoners.

父亲自1943年在苏联一场战役中沦为战俘。The father has been a prisoner of war in Russia since 1943.

最重的活儿是由战俘和罪犯来做的。The heaviest work was done by prisoners-of-war and criminals.

他们将所有战俘从集中营里解放出来。They liberated all war prisoners from the concentration camp.

大批的苏联战俘压垮本来已经很拥挤的营房.The flood of Soviet POWs overwhelmed the already crowded camp.

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在这种地方建造战俘收容所本身就是一种残虐。Building a POW camp in a place like this is an atrocity in itself.

他和其他的战俘都不知道自己这辈子能不能出去。He and the other prisoners didn't know if they would ever get out.

羽蛇神的尸体被认为是将要被祭祀所牺牲的战俘。The Quetzalcóatl corpses are considered to be sacrificed war captives.

落入亚马逊人之手的战俘通常会被斩首。Captives who fell into the hands of the Amazons were often decapitated.

水刑是二战时期日本战俘守卫最喜欢的一种刑罚。The water torture was a favorite among Japanese POW guards during WWII.

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最终,有843名战俘在这场灾难中溺水或是中弹身亡。In total, 843 prisoners of war were drowned or shot during the disaster.

战俘为他感到惋惜,但却没有别的选择。The prisoner felt sorry for him, but there was nothing else he could do.

当战俘被极度虐待时,可以说是战争与爱情可以不择手段吗?When the POWs are mistreated terribly, will all be fair in love and war?