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另外二位儿媳是会计。Other 2 daughter-in-laws are an accountant.

田边与他的第五个儿子和儿媳生活。Tanabe lived with his fifth son and daughter-in-law.

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我是爷爷的儿媳父,但我觉得我是Stewart家的一员。Im Grandpas daughter-in-law, but I feel like a Stewart.

愿要儿媳就要,能嫁女时就嫁。Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can.

第三个儿媳怎样才能带回风中的音乐?How can the third daughter-in-law bring back music in wind?

夏天的时候,我们的儿子儿媳带着他们的小宝宝到我家来了。Our son and his wife and their small baby visited one summer.

第二个儿媳怎样才能带回纸里的风?How can the second daughter-in-law bring back wind in a paper?

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诺亚就同他的妻子、儿子儿媳们从方舟上走出来。So Noah came out with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives.

这是唯一一款我和我的儿媳可以一起使用的防晒霜。This is the only sunscreen both Iand my daughter-in-law can use.

大儿媳过去是法官,现在是法院副院长。Old daughter-in-law was judge, new is vice president in law court.

诺亚和他的儿子们、妻子和儿媳们都上了方舟。Noah went into the ark with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives.

衰老的岁月确实终于找上她来,正如她的儿媳说的。It was true that old age had finally got her, as her daughter-in-law said.

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齐奥纳查纳有94个孩子,14个儿媳和33个孙子。Ziona Chana also has 94 children, 14-daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren.

另外,未来儿媳的体味如何,有没有狐臭也是考察的重点。In addition, there is a study of honcho on the taste of future daughter-in-law.

只使用一个名的蒙妮显然满脸不高兴,她的儿媳结婚12年里已经给她生了6个孙女。Her daughter-in-law has just given birth to her sixth girl in 12 years of marriage.

身体虚弱的爷爷搬去和儿子、儿媳,还有4岁的孙子同住。A frail old went to live with his son, daughter –in-law, and a four-year old grandson.

白家的日子更加过不下去了,白老太同儿子、儿媳商量卖房。White House day more had not bottom go to, white with old son, daughter-in-law to sell.

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有一位风烛残年的老人,他和儿子、儿媳还有四岁的小孙子生活在一起。A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and a four-year-old grandson.

有一名风烛残年的白叟,他和儿子、儿媳另有四岁的小孙子保具有一路。A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and a four-year-old grandson.

几个月后,大儿媳刘某怀孕了,全家人非常兴奋。After a few months, big daughter-in-law Liu Mou was pregnant, family person is very happy.