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你喜欢中国书画吗?Do you like chinese painting and calligraphy?

所以他们被告知的是书画SOS的家庭。So they were asked to draw their SOS families.

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影线在书画刻印艺术中用于表示阴影部分的细线。Fine lines used in graphic arts to show shading.

自幼随父亲徐达章学习诗文书画。Learn from his father's poetry painting managed.

当时书画名家亦常常亲临指点。Chinese paintings are also often visit was pointing.

在这里,你可以找到全国各个地区的书画名家作品。Various styles of calligraphy come to life on Xuan paper.

是我顾绍骅的中国书画作品,欢迎批评!ShaoHua-Gu's Chinese calligraphy and paintings, criticism welcome!

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书画作品多次参与展览。Her paintings and works have been exhibited in several exhibitions.

好书画、网球及其他雕虫小技。She loves reading, painting, tennis, among other worthless pursuits.

为中国书画艺术打造一个美好的明天。For Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art to create a better tomorrow.

现在,与温和派人物,安全书画艺术家有相同的机会。Now, with DOVE, the security graphic artist has the same opportunity.

诗书画三绝者有之,地位不同,身份各异。All of them not only have different status but also different identity.

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八大山人是我国明末清初书画双绝的艺术大师。Zhu Da Ming is Qing Painting and Calligraphy in China Shuangjue artist.

早期专心研习古人书画,特别在山水画方面卓有成就。Early on, especially in the study calligraphy painting aspect successful.

她的书画可称双绝。Her calligraphy as well as her painting can be rated as superb works of art.

集团公司董事、党委副书记王保玉主持书画笔会。Group director and deputy party secretary Transpositional chair painting Pen.

明确之后,即找出有关的古名书画,使其每日临摹。Clear, that is, to identify the name of the ancient paintings to a daily copy.

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是我国著名的牡丹城、书画之乡、戏曲之乡和武术之乡。Here is a famous peony city, paintings town, opera town and martial arts town.

一生清贫,诗书画及设计工作是我生命中的戏寄托。Writing poems, calligraphy, painting and designing are his game and sustenance.

本厂位于“水晶玻璃之都”,“书画之乡”的中国-浙江-浦江县-水晶路158-1。Our factory is located in 158-1 Crystal Road, Pujiang, Zhejiang Province, China.