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然后左手二次,右手二次。Then two lefts, two rights.

你是左撇子还是用右手?。Are you a lefty or a righty?

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这对右手是很吃重的。It is hard on the right hand.

右手轻轻拍了拍胸。His right hand patted his chest.

右手小拇指运气孬。This little finger on the right!

你的右手要这样做动作。Go like this with your right hand.

他的右手拿着那件旧围裙。In his right hand was the old apron.

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我的右手也有五根手指。My right hand has five fingers, too.

他右手提著一把来福枪。He carried a rifle in his right hand.

我的右手也有五根手指。My right hand has five gingers , too.

右臂巨大,皮肤上也有包状物,右手像男人的脚。The right hand was like a man's foot.

我的右手拿着一个棉签。I’ve got a Q-tip here in my right hand.

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杰克慢慢挥起右手,朝汤姆重重地击了一掌。Jack swung a slow, heavy right hand at Tom.

里斯又开始挠他的右手了。Leith started itching his right hand again.

他仍然抵挡不了右手下划拳。He's still susceptible to an overhand right.

在复调音乐中与右手一样重要。Polyphony is as important as the right hand.

史密斯用右手长拳痛击对手。Smith peppered his opponent with long right.

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在你的右手中是永久的福乐。At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

有多少人觉得是规则变化,举下右手。How many think regular?Raise your right hand.

大调举右手,小调举左手Right hand if it's major, left if it's minor.