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麦克和他的兄弟活该。Mike and his brother deserve it.

你他妈的活该你就是他妈的活该!You did fucking deserve it, you fucking sket !

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我这是活该,竟然独自去参加这种士兵聚会。That's what I get, going to a jock party alone.

我所但愿的就是看你罪有应得。弑亲者在神人眼里都活该受诅咒。The gods re blind. nd men see only wht they wish.

要是采用法国步兵服呢,那我再去参军就活该了。If it's Zouave, I'm damned if I'll go in the troop.

你开始怀疑自己,甚至觉得自己活该。You start to doubt yourself and think you deserve it.

那些学生自招麻烦,活该。Those students deserved it they started too big of disturbence.

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不管怎么说你已经吃了,要是得了病也活该。You can rest easy in the knowledge that you have done all you could.

他的政治生涯到此也就告一段落了,当然,他活该如此。His political career would now seem to be at an abrupt end, and rightly so.

简而言之,我觉得因特尔的市场恶化实属不该,而微软是活该如此。In short, I think Intel’s bad market rap is undeserved while Microsoft’s isn’t.

科菲尔说,杰克所遭受的一切都是活该,而且他会付出代价。Cofell tells Jack that he deserves what is happening to him and that he will pay.

忽视最近失业增加经济学家们,活该丢掉饭碗。Economists who ignore the recent rise in unemployment deserve to lose their jobs.

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其实你丢钱包真是活该。你一向对它太不小心了。It serves you right to have lost your purse. You are always too careless with it.

俺怎么也没有感觉惨,只觉得痛快!那个垃圾斜交群体该得的报应,活该!I don't feel any pity, I only feel joy! That bunch of misogynist trash deserve to die!

我一个朋友最近被她男友劈腿了,但我觉得她活该。One of my friends is being two-timed by her boyfriend, but I think she's had it coming.

即使他们真的活该被你骂,也不要这样做。你永远不知道在路上会遇到谁,也不知道有一天你会和谁共事。You never know who you will meet down the road and who you may have to work with one day.

你需要从中解脱出来,不要认为横竖都是你的错,以为自己横竖活该。Don't think that somehow the abuse is your fault or that somehow you deserve to be abused.

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他本来可以作为外交官到这里来。他知道有什么风险。他得到什么报应都是活该!He could have come as a diplomat. He knew what the risk were. He deserver everything he gets!

华班查来到阿丁的卧室,告诉他诺巴查昨晚死了,阿丁认为他死的活该。China class came tod o bedroom, tell him the check died last night, od think he deserve death.

她的攻击者们说,这个女孩活该遭受此打击并且对自己的行为毫不后悔。According to her attackers the girl deserved the treatment and showed no remorse for their deeds.