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当然两者各有利弊。Both have their pluses and minuses.

两者之间各有利弊。And there're trade-offs between both.

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总而言之,两国的医疗体制都各有利弊。Both health systems have their virtues and their faults.

各有利弊,但都是有效的解决方案,据我所知。All have pros and cons, but all are valid solutions AFAIK.

几种评价方式各有利弊。Each evaluation method has its advantages and disadvantages.

不同的病毒载体各有利弊。Different viruses have their own advantages and disadvantages.

用实测、计算、观测颜色等确定真空炉内加热时间的方法各有利弊。Measuring method can be used for a single chamber furnace only.

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这五种思路各有利弊。Each of these five viewpoints has its advantages and disadvantages.

混龄分组和同龄分组各有利弊。Mixed age group and same age group have both advantages and disadvantages.

对中国钢铁总量需求的预测目前有各种方法,这些方法都各有利弊。There are several methods to predict the iron and steel gross demand in China.

由于损伤情况的复杂性,各种方法均各有利弊。Each method has its advantages and disadvantages due to the complexity of damages.

胃癌全胃切除后消化道重建的方式颇多,各有利弊。There are various fashions of reconstruction of alimentary tract after total gastrectomy.

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论到这两种制度各有利弊,不过我在这两个国家都没有投票权。Both had their advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, I was unable to vote in either.

首先,小班、大班各有利弊。In the first place, both small and big classes have their own advantages and disadvantages.

便携式目录编目和扩展式目录编目各有利弊。There are pros and cons to both the mobile directory catalog and the extended directory catalog.

企业在进行国外投资时,设立分支机构和子公司的税收待遇不同,二者各有利弊。There is difference on tax treatment when a branch and subsidiary are set up by a foreign investment.

传统派教育思想和现代派教育思想各有利弊。The coexistence of traditional and modern educational thoughts has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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吸引读者点击链接的方式有许多种,并且各有利弊。Clearly, you can entice readers to click on links in several ways, and some methods work better than others.

这两种工艺各有利弊,但无论使用哪种工艺流程,都必须经过溶胀过程。Both advantages and disadvantages of each, but regardless of which process has to go through the process Swelling.

我想城市和乡村是各有利弊的,不能一概而论的说到底哪个好。I want to city and countryside is respective advantages and disadvantages, cannot treat as the porblems which good.