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汽车拥塞,首尾相接长达数英里。The cars backed up for miles.

从学校过来的路上都是一辆辆首尾相接的车。It was bumper-to-bumper all the way from school.

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保罗以首尾呼应的方式,来结束这封书信。Paul finished this epistle right where he began.

前奏与后奏首尾呼应。The prelude and coda echo from beginning to end.

设想时间是一个圆圈,弯转过来首尾相接。Suppose time is a circle, bending back on itself.

故虎首尾长七尺。Therefore, seven-foot long tiger beginning and end.

它的一切都是一个完整的,首尾相连的故事。All of it has a very, very cohesive end-to-end story.

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首尾相接的循环队列是一种动态的数据结构。The circle queue is a type of dynamic data structure.

箱盖两端绘有首尾对置的青龙、白虎的图像。On the two ends are designs of a blue dragon and a white tiger.

你们可以这样将其相加,我将其称为“首尾相接“技术。Then you can do it this way which I call the "head-tail" technique.

样点灌区采用首尾测算分析方法。Head-end measurement method is applied in sample irrigation districts.

从学校过来的路上都是一辆辆首尾相接的车。A car turned over and blocked the road, so all the traffic was held up.

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是啊,我们可以再造1000艘航母,把它们首尾相连搭座大桥出来。Yeah. build 1000 more carriers, tie them bow to stern and use them for a bridge.

这是一个基于文件的命令,它本质上是连续地、首尾相连地堆放文件。It is a file-based command that essentially serially stacks the files end to end.

哈雷六号站是若干个大小不一模块中的第一个模块,将来这些模块可以首尾相接,连成一片。This is the first of several modules of varying sizes that will be linked end-to-end.

石围墙段,可任意拉伸到所需的长度。将多个防护网段首尾相连。Stone fence section, stretch to desired length. Place multiple fence sections end-to-end.

“华夏礼服”这四个字首尾相连是为华服,是代表了我们华夏民族精神的礼服。The so-called 'Chinese fashion' is the formal dress standing for Chinese national culture.

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矛盾像首尾互接的鱼,在这个世界中长久地存活着。——落落。Contradiction as fore and aft interconnection of fish survives for a long time in the world.

把这些大大小小的胡同首尾相连,无疑又是一条万里长城了。If all the Hutong are linked together, no doubt the length is equal to that of the Great Wall.

是啊,我们可以再造1000艘航母,把它们首尾相连搭座大桥出来。Yeah. build 1000 more carriers tie them ribbon somed bow to stern somed employ them for a bridge.