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我们的感情是相通的。Our feelings are interlinked.

这扇门与我的房间相通。He used force to open the door.

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中国通,让你和中国短信相通。Trysms lets you chat with China by SMS.

新老校区一卡通相通。Thee-card can be used on both the campus.

赞美与耶和华相通达的人!Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah!

餐厅与厨房相通。The dining-room communicate with the kitchen.

经济人与道德人的相通。Economic man and moral man's inter-osculation.

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它与弹子房相通,好像有意满足我们的需要似的。It seems to join the billiard-room on purpose.

饭厅与厨房相通。The dining-room communicates with the kitchen.

光明和黑暗有什么相通呢?Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

溶洞密布、湖水相通、神秘莫测。The lake is linked to many enigmatic karst caves.

起居室与饭厅相通。The living room communicates with the dining room.

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关于天人关系,孟子认为天与人二者是相通的。Mencius thinks that Heaven and human beings are interlinked.

连者的相通之处是,都是某种类型的说服。Even those in common is that are a certain type of persuasion.

由此人们便知道观音洞与永定河相通。From then on it was known that the Cave connects to the River.

精囊通过射精管与后尿道相通。It communicates with the back urethra through ejaculation duct.

我信圣而大公教会、圣徒相通。I believe the holy universal Church, the communion ofthe saints.

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和相通的心灵探讨那些无法用物质来衡量的事物。Talk with similar minds on things cannot be measured monetarily.

项目区境内有村级公路相通,交通较为便利。Pu is interlinked, highway traffic village-level more convenient.

这使哈利的故事与同龄人相通。This is what makes Harry and his peers such relatable characters.