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雍容华丽的服装,使中年女子更富情韵。Rich and magnificent dresses make middle-aged women more elegant.

或名流汇聚,或文化情韵,在上海的老房子里都保留着旧日的痕迹。Gathering of celebrities or cultural sentiments have left an old trace in the old houses in Shanghai.

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宋词以其独特的审美情韵成为古代文学艺苑中一朵绚丽的奇葩。Poems in Song Dynasty have become a charming flower in ancient literature garden, with its unique aesthetical taste.

陈献章诗歌真率洒脱、富有情韵,为长期沉寂的明代诗坛注入了一线生机。Chen Xianzhang breathes vitality into the long silent Ming poetry with his sincere yet free lingering poetic appealing.

那么,从珍贵的书卷中选一首诗歌来呤诵,用你美妙的声音增添诗人的情韵。Then read from the treasured volume the poem of your choice, and lend to the rhyme of the poet the beauty of your voice.

精工典丽、情韵并美,行文流畅,富于变化,展现出独特的风格和魅力。And it shows unique style and charm, because of elegant form, fusion of feeling and rhyme, fluent and variation of writing.

林声的题画诗是其人格力量与生命情韵的集中显现,是形式美与内蕴美的统一。Poems written by Lin Sheng in painting display his personality and feeling, is the unification of form beauty and connotation beauty.

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第三章从感情的真挚、人格的高雅和灵动的情韵三大方面去挖掘苏雪林散文的情致美。ChapterThree are from the sincere feelings personality and flexible sentiment these three aspects to dig elegant the delight of prose.

白先勇小说中意象的丰富、时空的跳跃、语言的双关、情韵的跌荡和氛围的营造,在在洋溢着中国古典诗词般的意境。The rich images, jumping time and space, punning language, alterative lyrics and atmosphere in his novel are permeated with Chinese classic poetry.

全篇始终洋溢着浓郁而凝重、浑厚而深邃的历史氛围与情韵,极富典雅之美、通俗之美、悲怆之美和节奏之美。The book is full of heavy, simple and vigorous historical atmosphere and aroma that are rich in beauty of elegance, earthliness, sadness and rhythm.

曾国藩开创的湘乡文派是建立在湖南固有的“情韵”和“义理”两个文学传统基础之上,也取决于湖南地域独特的地理和风俗。The Xiangxiang School created by Zeng Guofan originated from the base of the native literature tradition of Hunan and its special geography and customs.

高逸,是李白诗中呈现出的一种高远、超逸的诗歌情韵品貌,其内质,又是一种距离美的呈示。Ingenious poetic style presents noble and unconventional characteristics in Li Bai's poetry, which is associated with the aesthetic perception of distance.

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陈英雄是一位法国籍越南裔导演,他的电影具有浓郁的越南乡土情韵,带有典型的东方文化特色。Chen Yingxiong is a Vietnamese French film director, whose films have a distinctive native Vietnamese affection and typical eastern cultural characteristics.

他的词在意境方面分别表现出了情韵生动、浑融自然、含蓄婉约等特征和风貌。His lyrics represent respectively different characteristics and styles of the artistic conception including charm and vividness, natural blending, connotation and grace, etc.

陶渊明的田园诗,如一幅情韵天成的田园乡村画卷,其风格平淡清新自然,而其风格的形成又是诗人艺术匠心独运的结果。The style of Tao Yuanming's pastoral poetry is prosaic and lucid, just like a picture of idyllic country life with sentiment. The formation of his style is the result of his artistic ingenuity.

诗句将月光之情、游子之情、诗人之情,交织一起,洒落在江树之上,也洒落在读者心上,情韵悠长,令人心醉神迷。Verse the feelings of the moonlight, wandering feeling, poetry touched the intertwined together, floating down the river over the trees, and floating down the readers mind, Qingyun long, ecstatic.