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有朝一日,我会衣锦还乡。I'll come back with honors someday.

他离开时贫穷,但后来衣锦还乡。He left poor and later returned with ship coming home.

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若不能衣锦还乡,那他就是一个失败者。Anybody coming back home without achievements is a loser, " Hu said."

他总是希望衣锦还乡、寿终正寝,最后葬入祖坟。His hope is always to come back rich, to die and be buried where his ancestors are buried.

狗娃当上县长,衣锦还乡,群众争相目睹这个土匪县长。Gowardesh as county magistrate, return home, the crowd rushed to see the bandits county magistrate.

这些人往往从少数衣锦还乡者的故事受到鼓舞。Often these people are encouraged by the stories of the few who successfully return to their homelands in wealth and luxury.

林建设也又回来了,他这次是衣锦还乡,因为林建设已经成为了一个厂子的厂长。Lin construction also came back again, this time he is gold exporting, because Lin construction has become a factory director.

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中桥两头为精雕蟠龙,只有状元衣锦还乡才可过此桥,寓意金榜题名,独占鳌头。Bridge carved in two for Vista, only the champion can return home in silken robes over this bridge, meaning first, come out on top.

为了迎接衣锦还乡皇贵妃,贾府的家庭变得更忙,建立了隆重的场合意见花园。In order to welcome the homecoming imperial concubine, the Jia family became busier and built a garden of grand views for the occasion.

从19世纪中期淘金热开始,大量中国人怀着衣锦还乡的美梦来到加州。The Chinese started coming to California in large numbers during the Gold Rush in the mid 1800s, hoping to strike it rich and return home.

当这位年轻的艺术家回到村中,一家人在草坪上为他举行欢迎宴,庆贺他衣锦还乡。When the young artist returned to his village, the Durer family held a festive dinner on their lawn to celebrate Albrecht's triumphant homecoming.

其一是对中国故乡的土地跟亲人的怀念和向往,总希望能早日挣够银钱,衣锦还乡。Firstly, it was the yearning to return to China and bring back with them enough prosperity to lift their family and relatives there out of poverty.

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数以百万的四川人离开了家乡,许多人背井离乡,住在狭小的居所或临时工棚里,为的是能赚到足够的钱衣锦还乡。Many have lived for years in cramped dormitories or temporary construction barracks, separated from their families, hoping to make enough to return home.

出国的时候要静静地走,不要想什么衣锦还乡,不要在亲戚朋友面前觉得出国很有面子。When going abroad, should go stealthily, do not think what return home after getting fame or money, do not feel to go abroad to have outer part very much before kin friend.

数以百万的四川人离开了家乡,许多人背井离乡,住在狭小的居所或临时工棚里,为的是能赚到足够的钱衣锦还乡。Millions picked up and left Sichuan. Many have lived for years in cramped dormitories or temporary construction barracks, separated from their families, hoping to make enough to return home.