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花闻起来香甜。The flowers smell sweet and nicc.

那天晚上,他们睡得像婴儿一样香甜。That night, they too slept like babies.

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或者香甜土豆焙盘和山核桃派。Or sweet potato casserole and pecan pie.

为了齿颊之间的香甜,长长的舌头会进化。For a sweet tooth, a long tongue evolves.

这种水果香甜可口,生长在世界上许多地方。This kind of fruit vegetate in many areas.

她身上还留有我那块薰衣草皂的香甜的味道。She had the sweet scent of my lavender soap.

就愿袮我之间,联结更香甜。Let the tie that binds us, Closer, sweeter be.

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这酸奶有一种香甜的奶油味。This yoghurt has a deliciously creamy flavour.

以一杯香甜的薄荷茶来结束这顿丰盛的晚餐是最好不过了。A cup of sweet mint tea tops off any meal nicely!

蓬松的棉花糖,谁经受得住那香甜的滋味。Fluffy cotton candy, who survive the sweet taste.

她香甜的味道飘向我这个方向。The sweet smell of her hair flouts in my direction.

你吻老人的脸颊,像沙士的香甜。You kissed his cheek, fragrant and sweet as Sarsae.

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添加了乳油的饼干特别香甜。Biscuits which contain cream are extremely delicious.

你一滴,我一滴,滴出香甜的记忆。One drop to you, one drop to me, drop the sweet memory.

我能闻到瓜桃熟透了的香甜味道。I could smell the honeyed ripeness of melons and peaches.

饥饿会让豆子香甜---拉丁谚语。Fabas indulcet fames — Hunger sweetens the beans---Proverb.

她闻起来很香甜,就是她,就像盛开的金银花。She smells sweet, Yeah she does! Like honeysuckle in bloom.

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让人感觉肉的口感是外表松脆香甜,里面略带咸味。The meat is tender and tastes sweet outside and salty inside.

那香甜香甜的味道直冲进喉咙。The taste of the sweet sweet straight rushed into the throat.

烟气香甜而缭绕,让我想到冬天,想到烧木柴的火炉。It is sweet and smoky, and reminds me of winters and woodstoves.