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他已经决定去外县市做生意。He has decided to look for business in other provinces.

来分享台南县市的涂鸦照吧!You Can Post Tainan City & Tainan County Graffiti Photos !

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黑蚂蚁小吃店的名声逐渐响亮,甚至有外县市远地而来的顾客和支持者。We even have a lot of customers and supports from other counties!

且在各地区及各县市均有分部或代理商。And in various regions and counties and cities have branches or agents.

据悉,山西部分县市降雪达到百年一遇。It is reported that some counties and cities in Shanxi snow to reach hundred years.

同时,铜仁市、德江县、恩施市等县市也有少量分布。In the same time, a little bit Mongolia are distributing in Tongren, Dejiang and Enshi.

本文主要研究大理州下辖的12个县市的县域经济问题。This article mainly research on the economy of the 12 counties under the rule of Dali state.

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是至今全国两千多个县市中唯一以“邮”命名的城市。Is by far the only country more than 2000 cities and counties to "Post" named after the city.

文章谈及县市图书馆地方文献的收集、标引、管理、利用等问题。This paper discusses the collection, indexing, management and utilization of rural libraries.

方法对贵州省4个县市的490名农村妇女进行问卷调查。Methods A questionnaire survey was carried out among 490 rural women in 4 counties of Guizhou.

2月份州政府与地方县市等政府部门的雇员有3万人失业,这意味着美国2月份的净增工作为19万2000人。The loss of 30,000 state and local government jobs in February meant a net gain of 192,000 jobs.

这些县市均成立了地方公路机构,负责监督农村公路管理工作。In these municipalities, Provincial Road Institutes were created to oversee rural roads management.

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获得校长证照,可以直接参加各县市的校长遴选。One who obtains the principal certificate is qualified to apply for the principal position in any county.

政府管理部分主要由该省体委和各县市的体育文化处。Government management is administrated by sport committee and sport and culture department of this province.

福州市南部、莆田有小到中雨,局部县市有大雨到暴雨。South Fuzhou, Putian have the light to moderate rain, the partial county city has the heavy rain to the rainstorm.

以江苏省为例,进一步说明了GIS技术在以县市为单元区域土地开发适宜性分区中的应用。Finally, the paper took Jiangsu province as a case study for the GIS methods use in the regionalization of land use.

两主要城市以及下属县市的北运河旅游资源开发皆处于滞后状况。Two major cities and counties of Northern Canal is subordinate to the tourism resource development is lagging behind.

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这个对满多在台北工作的人,或是想到宜兰去观光游憩的外县市游客来说,真的相当地方便。For many people working in Taipei or people who want to spend their vacation in Yilan, it is much more convenient now.

第二部分,县市党的代表大会常任制试点情况分析。The second part analyses the condition of experimental unit of the system of standing party congress in county and city.

高砷煤主要产于黔西南的兴义、安龙、兴仁等县市,位于滇、黔、桂“金三角”卡林型金矿分布区。High-arsenic coal mostly lies in the "Golden Triangle Area" of Carlin-type gold deposits in Xingyi, Anlong, Xingren, ect.