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这次他才如梦初醒。This time he had a rude awakening.

我问玛丽,似乎如梦初醒。I asked Mary, coming out of my reverie.

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吉姆这才如梦初醒。Out of his trance Jim seemed quickly to wake.

此情此景,让老妇人如梦初醒。Seeing this, the old woman was like a person waking from a dream.

我这才如梦初醒,没有通往幸福的路,幸福本身就是一段旅途。This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness.

的确,在2001年北约入侵后,阿富汗便看起来如梦初醒,失败透顶。It is true that Afghanistan looks like a failure beside the dream of 2001, when NATO invaded.

米兰方才如梦初醒,认真对待比赛,使出浑身解数。It was a wake-up call for Milan who began to take the game seriously and utilise all their assets.

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也许确实有十指连心的伤害,如梦初醒的背叛,不胜其烦的纠缠。Perhaps truly has the intimately connected injury, as if awakening from a dream betrayal, burdensome entanglement.

他的话让我如梦初醒,我认识到自己是站在半寸厚的地壳上,下面就是火山口。It scared me broad awake, and made me comprehend that I was standing on a half-inch crust, with a crater underneath.

现在,农夫的儿子已经染上了这种药水,终于如梦初醒,他知道这是不对的,想要痛改前非。Now, the farmer’s son, truth be told, had dabbled in this kind of potion before, but he knew it was wrong and had sworn off it.

他们认出了他,但恐惧之中,他们如梦初醒,他们的儿子只有一只胳膊和一条腿。They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know, their son had only one arm and one leg.

我看到一个女孩从我男友的家里出来,这才如梦初醒,明白了原来他骗了我那么久。When I saw a girl coming out of my boyfriend's flat, the scales fell from my eyes and I saw how he had been deceiving me for so long.

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任何试图想从中国拿走自己想要的东西都会如梦初醒般,然后我们就会看到真实的游击战。Any country that tries to just take what they want from China will be in for a rude awakening. Then we will see true guerrilla warfare.

我本来没理会我是怎么当着人伤心起来,直到恩萧在我对面停住了他那规规矩矩的散步,而且以如梦初醒的惊奇神情盯着我。I was not aware how openly I grieved, till Earnshaw halted opposite, in his measured walk, and gave me a stare of newly-awakened surprise.

当皮毛服装在市场上开始热销的时候,生产企业才如梦初醒纷纷开始寻找、采购皮毛原材料。When fur clothing in time to start selling on the market, production enterprises as if awakening from a dream only have set out to find, purchase fur raw materials.