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这个小镇里都是白色平房。It was a town filled with white bungalows.

你们的公寓是平房还是两层的.Is your apartment a one-story or two- story house?

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这所错层平房是出租的。租金很便宜。This split-level house is for rent. It's a bargain.

你们的公寓是平房还是两层的?Is your apa tment a one-storey or a two-storey house?

到达时的我。这种贴着瓷砖的平房在当地是凤毛麟角。On my arrival. Tiled bungalow is luxury in this area.

你对自己有一个漂亮的平房这块湖滨财产。You own a cottage on a nice piece of lakefront property.

他的“乡下房子”原来是一座大平房。His country cottage turned out to be an enormous bung alow.

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他把那间平房借给康拉德一家住了两三个星期。He had lent the bungalow to the Conrads for a couple of weeks.

因为他们习惯自给自足,平房轧死人的状况也不会象大都市那么惨烈。The situation of death won't be as severe as that of metropolis.

岛上是一个大约十二间平房组成的一个公社。There was also a commune of about a dozen bungalows on the island.

罗斯福的小屋是一座平房,座落在一座长有松树的山的山顶上。Mr. Roosevelt's cottage was a bungalow at the top of a pine mountain.

罗宾逊一家住在芝加哥城南部的一个街区平房里。The Robinsons lived in a brick bungalow on the South Side of Chicago.

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她所在的非政府组织座落于一座低矮的带厨房的平房里。Her NGO is housed in a squat, one-storey building with a tiny kitchen.

泰留在他和妻子曾住过的白色隔板平房。Ty stayed in the white clapboard bungalow he'd lived in with his wife.

一位老妇人曾住在平房里。她非常瘦小。An old woman has lived in one-story house before. Her body is very short.

更多的城市居民从他们的老平房里搬到了摩天大楼。More city dwellers moved to live in skyscrapers from their old bungalows.

眼前出现了三排整齐的平房,房顶上覆盖着厚厚的积雪。Three orderly rows of low houses mantled with thick snow came into sight.

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住宿地点从五星级豪华饭店到分租房间或平房任君选择。Places to stay range from 5-star luxury down to rented rooms or bungalows.

平房是小房子,有一个或两个卧室,通常有一个浴室。A bungalow is a small house with one or two bedrooms and usually one bathroom.

当初连院墙都没有,只有两栋灰砖平房。At first, there were only two one-storey grey brick houses without any fences.