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修建着风暴中倒塌的庙堂。and repair the temple the storm collapsed.

仪式是在一阵庄严肃穆的庙堂音乐中开始的。Ceremony was solemn temples burst of music began.

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有人这么说过,我们该修建庙堂。Someone once told me that we would build temples.

平头百姓求于街头,达官显贵问于庙堂。People in the street, ask crew-cut dignitaries asked in temple.

一天下午,一个男奉献者在庙堂里非常大声地念颂。One afternoon, a male devotee was chanting japa very loudly in the temple room.

在出来往回走的时候,我们走的很悠闲,经过了更多的寺庙建筑和庙堂。Back out, we slowly walk our way down passing many more monastery buildings and chapels.

在里面短暂的游览后,我们往上爬去,经过二楼和三楼,我们来到了庙堂的顶层。After a small tour inside, we climb via the first and second floor to the roof of the temple.

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如果他们想大声念颂,叫他们去庙堂里在神像前念颂。If they want to chant loudly, tell them to go into the temple room and chant before the deities.

各级地方政府也拿出相当一部分资金,用于寺观庙堂的维修。Local governments also allocated funds for the maintenance of temples, monasteries and churches.

她体态虚弱,衣着考究,坐在市内一座大庙堂外的高台上。Frail and well-dressed, she was seated on a raised platform outside of a huge temple in the city.

在第一间庙堂里,我看见一尊偶像端坐于以东方明珠镶边的碧玉宝座上。And in the first chamber I saw an idol seated on a throne of jasper bordered with great orient pearls.

而当它魂归西天之后,无论是身居庙堂高位的领导人,还是身处穷乡僻壤的卑贱村民都感受到了一种会产生深远影响的损失。And when it died, everyone from the highest echelons of power to humble villagers suffered a profound loss.

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现在包含博物馆的新杜瓦尔卡的前庙堂在圣帕布帕德的住处下方。The former temple room in New Dwarka, which now houses the museum, was beneath Çréla Prabhupäda's quarters.

俗可以是民间的欢庆锣鼓,雅可以进入庙堂祭祀和宫廷宴集。Can be custom to celebrate the civil gongs and drums, Blair can enter temples and religious court set feast.

曾几何时,它们是欧洲市场中最奇货可居的珍宝,也是庙堂之音中世代相传的精神印记。Once they were scarce treasure in European market and also spiritual marks in temples spread for generations.

我们想知道他们22岁在庙堂之舞相遇时,是怎样天雷勾动地火。We wanted to know exactly what kind of sparks had gone off when they met, each at the age of 22, at a temple dance.

他围绕“檀香刑”这场大戏,给读者展示了庙堂、民间、看客三种生命意识形式。Around the play of "sandalwood penalty", the author shows us three kinds of life consciousness from the temple, folk and on-lookers.

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在这个村落中有一处庙堂,其中的九尊神灵排序看似极不符合中国传统文化之“礼”序。In this village there is a temple, where the order of nine gods therein seems highly inconsistent with traditional Chinese "Ritual" culture.

走在庙堂的阴影下,行在追随者群中的教师,传授给人的,与其说是他的智能,毋宁说是他的忠信与慈爱。The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple , among his followers , gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.

延寿宫位于荣成市槎山风景区龙井顶南麓,为金代所建,三进庙堂式结构。Life Extension Palace is located in Rongcheng City, Longjing Cha Mountain Top Mountain, is built in the Jin Dynasty, three-temple-type structure.