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天桂山四季分明,气象万千。Tian Shan four seasons, the Meteorology Series.

苏轼与辛弃疾的送别词内容丰富,气象万千。The contents of both Su's and Xin's were profound and abundant.

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我爱气象万千的大自然,因为它给了我们广阔的视野。I love the nature, spectacular because it gave us a broad vision.

随着互联网的不断发展,网络世界日新月异、气象万千。With the rapid development of the internet, network has changed by the day.

金佛山主峰高2251米,山势陡峭,气象万千。The main peak of the Jinfo Mountain is 2251 meters high, precipitous and spectacular.

本文通过对陶诗文中气象万千的“风”的意象进行梳理,对这一意象内蕴的丰富性和独特性作了初步的探析。This paper is to sort out the images of "winds" and to have a tentative probe into this phenomenon.

纵观古玉鉴定界的现状,真可谓是良莠不齐,气象万千啊。Throughout jade identification of industry status quo, turns out to be both good and bad, spectacular ah.

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小说中的自然是有生命的独立主体,是人们的精神庇护所和心灵栖息地,生机勃勃,气象万千。It depicts nature as an independent existence, and people's spiritual sanctuary, vital, majestic, diversified and abundant.

证券市场,尤其是中国目前的股票市场,似乎总是一个气象万千,云谲波诡的所在,难以琢磨正是其魅力的缘由。Securities Market seems to be a mysterious and bewilderingly changeable place , especially in China , and there is full of magic power.

生物界已经是够纷繁芜杂、喧嚣烦扰的了,大自然更是气象万千、奥秘无穷。Biosphere is already complicated enough miscellaneous chaos, noise annoyance, and nature is the Meteorology Series, the mysteries of infinity.

我们都已强烈地感受到贵国在改革开放政策的引导下,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步。We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under the policies of reform and opening to the outside world.

在改革开放政策引导下的中国,气象万千,充满活力、不断进步,这些我们都已强烈地感受到了。We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under your polices of reform and opening to the outside world.

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吴越地区气象万千,山重水复,有山水诗产生的客观地理环境。Spectacular and changeable scene, much complicated topography of WuYue region, have the objective geography environment to produce scenic poetry.

在改革开放的引导下的中国,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步,这些我们都已经强烈地感受到了。We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism and process of China under your policies of the reform and opening to the outside world.

此外,由于这些小水滴对阳光的折射作用,才会有晚霞朝晖、闲云迷雾、彩虹日晕等气象万千的自然景色。In addition, because these small droplets of sunlight refraction effect, will have a sunset cloud, mist, rainbow sun Zhaohui, majestic and grand scenery.

洞中气象万千的生命姿态,为我们解读历史提供了最确凿的答案和证据。The magnificent panorama of life depicted in the murals has provided us with the most authentic answers and evidences for decoding the mysteries of history.

东道主的热情好客和中国的气象万千都给我们留下了深刻的印象,这些良好的印象将永远珍藏在我们美好的记忆中。We are deeply impressed by the gracious hospitality of the host and the diversity of China, and these fine impressions will always remain in our cherished memories.

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其中有千年古木,奇花异草,四时变化,色彩纷呈,倒影斑斓,气象万千,是夏季消暑的理想之地。There are thousands of years old trees, exotic flowers and rare herbs, four changes, colorful, gorgeous reflection, majestic and grand, is ideal for the summer to cool.

艺术家们用手中的画笔,歌颂自强不息的民族精神,描绘气象万千的锦绣山河,为奥运喝彩,为人类祈福。Those artists extol the national spirit of striving ceaselessly, portray the variable landscape and acclaim for Olympics as well as pray for human beings with their paintbrush in hand.