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他的野心毫无止境。His ambition is unbounded.

管理水平的提升是没有止境的。Management level promotion is no end.

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我简直是痛苦,而且这种痛苦还没有止境。And it is a pain that never goes away.

尚有多久,我才可以走到天下的止境。How long, I can go to the end of the world.

人们对发展的欲望总是没有止境的。People’s desire for development has no end.

这个人的背信弃义难道永远没有止境吗?。Would the man's perfidy never reach a limit?

这时断时续的雨泪,怎么就没个止境?This intermittent rain tears, how no one end?

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实践没有止境,创新也没有止境。There is no limit to practice nor to innovation.

这一追寻没有止境,甚至没有方向。The quest is without end, it's even without direction.

摄影圣地的名单看似没有止境。The list of places for picture-taking seems never-ending.

物质主义的孩子总是想要更多更好的,没有止境。And materialistic kids who keep upping the ante want more.

他对文学和美艺术的热情没有止境。His enthusiasm for literature and the fine arts knew no bounds.

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不管你是谁,承不承认,欲望都是没有止境的。No matter who you are, admit it or not, desire is never enough.

学习是一个持续不断的发现之旅,没有止境。Learning is a constant process of discovery, a process without end.

对于谷歌来说,对新的机会和市场的寻找是没有止境的。At Google, the search for new opportunities and markets is never-ending.

不要谴责给予你生命的真正的那一个,生命是没有止境的。Do not castigate the very One that gave you life for life is not ending.

这些平行发展没有止境的案例成为指导我的范例。There was no end of parallel cases and these made precedents to guide me.

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森林能够吸附排放到大气中的碳,而地球对于森林在这方面的需求是没有止境的。The Earth’s need for forests to soak up carbon emissions is almost limitless.

我们对于权利,金钱和物质的贪念没有止境。The greed that can accompany the desire of power, money or resources has no end.

你所能取得的进步和完成的工作没有止境。There is no limit to the improvements you can make or actions you can accomplish.