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献血是我们的义务。To donate is our duty.

我为什么应该献血?Why should I donate blood?

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献血是每个人的义务。It's all our duty to donate blood.

美国人如何排长队献血。How Americans lined up to give blood.

7月,该献血车将开进世博园。It will be used in the World Expo in July.

神经纤维瘤病可不可以献血?。Is nerve fibroma ill but in order to donate blood?

而对于大多数人,献血的体验却很吓人。And the experience is for most people intimidating.

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我相信你现在意识到你应该献血了。I’m sure you now realize that you should donate blood.

无偿献血,利国利民利家。Blood donation is good for the people, family and nation.

他跑去召集亲戚朋友为他妻子献血。He raced to round up relatives and friends to give blood.

无偿献血,体现您高尚的精神境界。Your noble-minded spirit is shown by donating your blood.

我血压低轻微贫血能献血么?Is my blood depress slight and anaemic can you donate blood?

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接下来,志愿者们需阅读关于献血的文章。Next, the participants read an article about blood donations.

有位姑娘告诉我,献血会使她的体重增加,这不正确。A girl told me donating blood would make her gain weight. Not true.

越来越多的国家正在朝着自愿献血前进。More and more countries are moving towards voluntary blood donation.

政府号召青年义务献血。The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily.

热忠于公益事业,曾屡次义务献血。Hot loyal to public welfare, has repeatedly Voluntary Blood Donation.

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世界献血日就是为表彰这些无名英雄设立的。It is to these unsung heroes that World Blood Donor Day is dedicated.

世界献血者日是世界各地自愿无偿献血以拯救需要者生命的数百万人的全球年度庆祝活动。The theme for World Blood Donor Day 2011 is, "More blood. More life."

但是,红十字会的护士说,有些中国人不愿献血。But Red Cross nurses say some Chinese are reluctant to give their blood.