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我感觉那是对我们生活的一种干扰,让人感到荒唐可气。I felt it was a grotesque intrusion into our lives.

呵,你太可气了,艾米。朋友是做什么用的呢?Oh, you're very welcome, Amy. What a friend is for?

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这项计划可气的地方是它让人一头雾水。The annoying thing about the scheme is that it's confusing.

可气又可笑的是,嘉定还真有一条梅园路。Also ridiculous is exasperating, Jiading really have a garden path.

更可气的是,他还在我身上贴一些难看的图标,丑死了!Even more exasperating is the He has also posted me some ugly icons, ugly dead!

良好的抗冲击耐磨性,很好的可气割性和可焊接性。Good impact and abrasion resistance. Excellent gas cutting property and weldability.

根据这些结果,探讨了在气送光缆时用机械助推的方法来延长可气送的距离。It discusses the method of extending air blowing distance during air blowing optical cable.

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更加可气的是,沈氏非但没有阻止,还夸巧珍勤快。More what to can annoy BE, Chen Shi not only didn't obstruct, but also Kua Qiao Jean is efficient.

最可气的是最后一封邮件竟然告诉我,还要等一两天????The most annoying one is the last mail to unexpectedly tells me , will wait for one or two days ???

可气人的是,它突然跳转了页面,只是有个外表,学生根本用不了那些资源。Annoying people, it suddenly jump of the page, but have a look, students do not take those resources.

她们有的独自躺着,有的则躺在另一个人身边——可气的是,那个人熟睡着。Some of us lie alone, some of us lie next to another person, who is, enragingly, sleeping like a log.

是吗,妈妈,真的太可气了,我明天就去看看,和他们理论理论,怎么可以这样的对待长辈呢?BE, mother, actually and also can annoy, I morrow discern, with their ory theory, how can treat elder so?

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本文的作者装修的过程好像跟“打眼”结下了不解之缘,可气又可笑的事情频频发生。The renovation process seems to the author of "drill a hole" built up overseas, exasperating and ridiculous things frequently.

另外,只要买我们的战机,我们将免费送你们吃两年的奶酪,以及让傻可气总统携靓妻造访白宫。Plus, we offer two years of Camembert free and a visit to ze White House by our Président, Nicolas Sarkozy, and his beautiful wife Carla.

他还将会见的欺骗性和可气夫人锡格尼特,歌剧歌手,谁承诺,在未来的活跃和复杂册弗罗斯特的生活。He will also meet the beguiling and exasperating Lady Cygnet, an opera singer, who promises to enliven and complicate Frost's life in future volumes.

罗先生跟小川突然回来了,军用飞机也买回来了,伍永和包括上海市民都乐坏了,日本人可气坏了。Mr Luo to ogawa suddenly came back, military aircraft also buy back, WuYongHe including Shanghai citizens to dole out of order, the Japanese spirit is broken.

宝玉已见过这香囊,虽尚未完,却十分精巧,费了许多工夫。今见无故剪了,却也可气。Although the sachet had not been finished, the embroidery on it was very free and she had put a lot of work into it, so he was annoyed to see it spoilt for no reason.

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我说,没听说有哪家像样的戏院有这种强制规定,我认为这是最荒谬最可气的规定。I said I had never heard of such a rule being attempted to be put in force at any respectable theater before, and that I considered it a most absurd and vexatious regulation.