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过去两年的一切努力将付之东流。Two years hard-works became useless.

那你是否知道不良的饮食习惯可能使你减肥的努力付之东流。It could be you're eating more than you realize!

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过去两年的一切努力将付之东流。The efforts within the past two years were in vain.

经济复苏在伦敦初露曙光,但若现金撤出就可能付之东流。The nascent recovery seen in London could be wiped out if cash is withdrawn.

如果因此而自大和自满,你所有的努力将付之东流。If you become arrogant and self-righteous, all the good you could do will be undone.

大量的未注册机构冒着成亿元的存款会付之东流的危险。So many unregistered institutions risk the savings of millions being suddenly washed away.

这些都是振奋人心的消息,然而一些人担心,如果股票市场稍有下跌,这些计划将付之东流。Encouraging stuff, though some fret that any hiccup in equity markets could scupper these plans.

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我料想这两个孩子会大哭,为他们的艰苦努力付之东流而伤心不已。I expected the children to burst into tears, devastated by what had happened to all their hard work.

移动或增加锚栓可能改变路线的原貌,让首攀者的努力付之东流。Adding or moving bolts may alter the nature of the climb and devalue the efforts of the first ascent.

海明威简直无法想象如何能把所有内容重新写出来,那几个月的辛苦都付之东流了。Hemimgway couldn't imagine doing his work all over again. All those months of writing were simply wasted.

最终,管子是会破的,停留在牙膏管里的是适者,其他的就付之东流了。The organisms that stay in the tube of toothpaste are the fittest. The others get flushed down the drain.

接下来,将会在身体内发生化学链式反应,使所有的减肥努力付之东流”。A chemical chain reaction can occur inside the body and sabotage the best weight loss efforts, " Roca added."

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随着时间的推移,我对弹扬琴的感觉,就像五松先生一样付之东流,流入了哪一望无垠的大海。Over time, I feel Yangqin shells, just five have been in vain, like Mr. Song, which entered the oasis in the sea.

惠普并购康柏后保留了iPaq的品牌和生产线,然而这些努力却因手机和掌上数码设备的出现而付之东流。HP kept the iPaq brand and lineup when it bought Compaq, but the effort lost steam as phones and handhelds merged.

在Henry实施他的计划10年后,他在岛上发现了一只白鼬,由此他认识到他的毕生的心血付之东流了。Ten years after he began his project, Henry discovered a stoat on the island and realized his life's work had been in vain.

粮食、燃料问题以及如今的金融危机破坏了实现千年发展目标的进程,致使多年的成果付之东流。Food, fuel, and now financial crises have derailed progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, reversing years of gains.

如果穆哈默德·布阿齐齐以及其他那些为了美好生活而献身的人的努力都付之东流,那该是多么遗憾的事儿啊。It would be a shame if Mohamed Bouazizi and the others who have given their lives in the hope of a better life had done so in vain.

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他指出,这一做法将导致国际社会多年来的朝鲜半岛无核化努力成果付之东流。He pointed out that this approach will lead to the international community over the years to the Korean Peninsula nuclear-free outcome in vain.

多数人承认除非击沉的速度能超过盟军建造的速度,否则全部的努力最后都必将付之东流。Many conceded that unless sinkings outstripped Allied construction rates, otherwise the entire effort was merely to stave off the inevitable end.

这些举措从政治面而言或许堪称合理.但一些投资者担心,政界对银行的过度打压将使此前救援行动的多数成效付之东流.These moves may make political sense. But some investors fear that overt bank-bashing by politicians will undo much of the benefit of the bailout.