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苍翠繁茂的玉黍蜀田人。A lush corn field.

5月里处处枝叶繁茂,花儿吐艳。May is busting out all over.

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它是世界上最繁茂的沙漠地带。It's the lushest desert on the planet.

那就是——可以从沙质土壤中生长出苍翠繁茂的花园。And voilà—from sandy soil, lush gardens grow.

枝叶繁茂的人群,一片森林。The crowd of branches and leaves bushiness, one forest.

米黄色的小地毯上印着繁茂的蔓藤和粉红色的花朵。A beige rug patterned with leafy vines and pink flowers.

信不信由你,实际上它比爱尔兰的草牧更繁茂。And that it is, believe it or not, grasser than Ireland.

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沃格林仅仅是这棵繁茂的大树上的一根树枝而已。Voegelin is only one branch on a fairly large family tree.

周围的树木很繁茂,橡树、杨树还有铁杉。Trees thickened around him, oaks and poplars, some hemlocks.

一定是这里适宜的天气和土壤使花木繁茂。Yeah, here is a good fresh air, the trees really flourish here.

过于繁茂的落叶灌木可以在每年的这个时候修剪。Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.

你应该在篱笆里面工作,这样你的草就会长得葱绿繁茂。You have to work within the fence to make the lawn green and lush.

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甘油能使菌丝生长繁茂,但孢子囊少。Glycerin helps its fungus growing flourish but its sporangia fewer.

一定是这里适宜的天气和土壤使花木繁茂。It must be the weather and soil here that make the plants flourish.

我非浑幽宁静的朝,洋溢在绿色繁茂的荆棘谷。I am in the morning hush, of Stranglethorn"s junle, green and lush."

苏珊和内德的车正行至一段树木繁茂的公路段。Susan and Ned were driving through a wooded empty section of highway.

它屹立在这片土地上,风吹来,满树充满生命的绿色更繁茂了。It stood erect and became more and more luxuriantly green in the wind.

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吉姆·夏得乐和他的驴子中午左右来到树木繁茂的印地安水泉。Jim Sutler and his donkey arrived at the wooded Indian well about noon.

安第斯山脉的结构特点是陡峭的悬崖和苍翠繁茂的山谷。The dramatic setting in the Andes features sheer cliffs and lush valleys.

我带着它们去繁茂之地,在那里找到食物和水。I lead them along well-worn paths where I know we will find food and water.