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我们必须把屋顶重修一下。We must have the roof redone.

但是,将来我们可以重修新办公室。We can rebuild the office later.

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我必须重修主修科目16小时。I still have to fill 16 hours in my major.

这座建筑物用美丽的石头重修表面。The building was refaced with beautiful stones.

重修之前也没有拆除,You know, it hasn't been bombed before and rebuilt,

为了减轻罪恶感和重修自我形象而付出。We give to alleviate guilt and repair our self-image.

他们完成重修,让它和八十年前一模一样。They've done it so it's exactly how it was 80 years ago.

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奥巴马政府准备跟华尔街重修于好?Is his administration ready to make peace with Wall Street?

现在巴基斯坦想要与美国重修关系。Now Pakistan wants the relationship with the US reconfigured.

于是她尽力克服困难参加补考,重修学业。She managed to resit her exams and pick up her degree course.

目前,苏茜正在重修英国普通中等英语,打算上大学。Suzi is now re-taking GCSE English and plans to go to college.

明代成化年间,顾云重修,符瑛作记。Ming Dynasty Chenghua years, Gu rehabilitation, Fu-ying to remember.

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所以,他把它整个重修了。他用尽一生来整修它。and he's restored it all. He's put his lifetime into making it happen.

1983年重修,现为国家文物局泰安培训中心。Rebuilt in 1983, is now a National Heritage Board Tyan Training Center.

在1751年清朝乾隆年间又再次重修了。During Qing Emperor QianLong's reign it was reconstructed again in 1751.

当然,重修线路是在原始攀登的精神下进行的。However, the re-equipping was done in the spirit of the original ascent.

看到了一个“春”字的钟和重修的黄鹤楼。Saw a "Spring" word clock and the restoration of the Yellow Crane Tower.

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教友们出钱出力,于1987年重修教堂。In 1987, the faithful rebuilt the church with their own money and labour.

姜子牙转世重修之后也不再是天命之人。Bloomer rebuilt after the reincarnation of the person is no longer destiny.

我被迫要重修一个意大利的学士学位,这可能又得多花上一年时间。I am being forced to re-earn an Italian BA, which could take a further year.