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玛雅古籍是玛雅人的文字记录。A codex is a Mayan written record.

韩规古籍是普米族祭司韩规使用的宗教典籍。Hangui is the priest of the Pumi nationality.

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她在高收视率方面是专家,而在经典古籍方面并非如此。She's a specialist in high ratings, not the Classics.

至于这条法律对古籍抄本有多大效力就不清楚了。It is not clear precisely how this law applies to the codex.

这家图书馆拥有大量历史和古籍。The library is rich in historical books and antiquarian works.

我国古籍中,记载了不少乐舞的起源传说。Legends on the origin of dance are abundant in ancient literature.

专书成语研究对古籍的今注今译有着纠谬补缺的作用。The research on idioms of a book is important to the ancient books.

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这些珍贵的古籍都保存在寺庙的地宫里面。These precious ancient books were preserved in the temple's basement.

抛掉了所有旧书刊,将珍贵的古籍,统统抛入火里They throw all kinds of old books, great old books, onto the bonfire.

整理民族文字古籍是一项艰巨而光荣的任务。The task of arrangement of national ancient books is hard and glorious.

因乌木性为纯阴,古籍中亦有入药记载。Ebony sex for purely due to overcast, ancient medicine was also recorded.

“叶子”是古籍过渡时期的装帧形态。Leafage is the forms of Chinese ancient book binding in transition period.

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孙诒让先生无论在古文字学方面还是在古籍整理方面,都是大家。Mr. Sun yi-rang is a master both in paleography and ancient books sifting.

晋代是古籍版本学的发展时期。Jin Dynasty is the developing period of the study of ancient books edition.

藏文古籍文献是藏学文献的一个重要组成部分。Tibetan ancient books are an important component part of Tibetan documents.

这次火灾使得秘府中的古籍损失过半。The fire destroyed more than half of the ancient books in the secret repository.

文章从加强古籍利用的角度探索了数字时代古籍目录学的发展。The paper explores the development of bibliography ancient books in digital age.

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这些古籍都是用毛边印刷的,质地不怎么好。These ancient books are printed on paper with deckled edges, and are of poor quality.

古籍里一幅幅朱白相间的印章,向读者传递着诸多的信息。The red and white stamp in ancient books conveys a lot of information for the readers.

但各种繁体字版古籍中也有少许字用的是比今天的规范简体字笔画更简的字。But a few characters in certain ancient books are much simpler than those in modern edition.