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我看到了有珠帘的新房,我晕。I faint when coming to Dream Garden.

自我搬家以来这个地区就不断地盖起了新房。The area has been built up since I moved.

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这些是新婚夫妇们的新房。These are the new homes for young marrieds.

近年来盖了很多新房吗?Have you built a lot of new houses these years?

我需要付我的新房子的首期款。I need to make the down payment for my new house.

他们的新房比旧房更宽敞。Their new house has more space than their old one.

我看到了有珠帘的新房,我晕!I saw the new house which had beads curtain, faint!

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他们刚地乡下买了栋新房。They 've just purchased a new house in the country.

他们正点在我住的这条大街的那一头建一栋新房了。They're building a new house up the street from me.

明天我要举行一次聚会以庆祝我的新房的落成。I'm going to handsel my house with a party tomorrow.

他们在新房的装修上花了很多钱。They spent megabucks on the deck of their new house.

建筑工人把你的新房盖得如何了?How are the builders getting along with your new house?

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搬进一所新房子的高兴劲儿不久就会消失。The exitement of moving to a new house will soon wear off.

他们计划独辟蹊径,盖自己的新房。They planed to branch off into building their own new house.

你的新房间能看到湖,前景非常美。Your new room faces the lake. The front view is very beautiful.

本叔叔,木匠要同你谈一谈新房间的问题。Uncle Ben?The carpenters want to talk to you about the new room.

因为需要钱,他亏大本卖了自己的新房。Out of the need for money, he sold his new house at a great loss.

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因我们买了新房,我们所有的钱都快用完了。Because we has bought a new house, all our money is draining away.

他们过初夜时有一种风俗就是偷看新房。Droit de seigneur they had when there is a custom that is new peep.

他家新房的墙面是用青灰上的色。The wall surfaces of his new house were brushed with greenish lime.