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说是床戏,比白水还要纯。Say bed scene, even pure than whitewater.

“水。有白水么?”我重复了一遍。"Water. Just bland water please. " I repeated.

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其它报道白水事件的媒体在这个问题上则保持沉默。The rest of the Whitewater media was silent on the subject.

这次审判与白水事件、希拉里或我都没关系。The trial had nothing to do with Whitewater, Hillary, or me.

吃时用白水煮熟,捞进凉水中浸过。White Water to eat when cooked, soaked in cold water fish into.

说得太对了,不过对白水事件来说,存在着不同的规则。Of course it was, but there were different rules for Whitewater.

如果我们不能解决这个麻烦,白水事件马上会显得好似芝麻绿豆大的小事一般。If we didn’t, Whitewater would soon look like the sideshow it was.

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船桨的节奏声和白水急流旋绕过船头。The rhythm of the oars and the rush of white water curling past the bows.

流畅灵活的鱼儿喜欢水橇、钓鱼、白水漂流和游泳等水上运动。I still have other hobbies like fishing and bowling that I do in my spare time.

就在我对白水事件的相关调查感到放心时,事情变得更加不可思议了。Just when I thought things couldn’t get any weirder in Whitewater World, they did.

在回家的路上,他经过白水之南,有一座叫孤山的地方,在那里他遇见了狂屈先生。Kuangqu when he passed a place called Gu Mountain which is by the south of Bai River.

当黎明把云彩染上一抹红色时,白水河仍在静静的沉睡。When daybreak dyes clouds in scarlet color. Baishui River is still in her deep sleep.

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白水河的水是来源于玉龙雪山融化的雪水。The water of White Water River is from the melted snow water of Yulong snow capped mountain.

世界级的滑雪、登山、健行和白水泛舟便是其中几样。World-class skiing, mountain climbing, mountain hiking, and white-water rafting are among them.

农业主产小麦、棉花,盛产柿子、苹果,特产李卓白水杏。Agricultural production of wheat, cotton, rich persimmon, apple, apricot Baishui specialty Zhuo.

旧的木屋里面没有涂油漆,屋顶上有一艘巨大的独木舟,木屋有个不吉利的名字——白水小酒馆。The old unpainted shack also had a big canoe on the roof and an ominous name, the Whitewater Tavern.

第四,我们从来没有在麦迪逊银行借过钱,但是我们的确在白水投资项目上赔了钱。Fourth, we never borrowed any money from Madison, but we did lose money on the Whitewater investment.

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肯斯塔尔现在认为,他调查重点由白水门事件转入莱温斯基传奇是个错误。Ken Starr now believes it was a mistake for him to extend his Whitewater probe into the Lewinsky saga.

临走之时,我回头瞟了一眼,那林白水向我点点头,示意平安。Face to walk of, I turned head Piao one eye, that wood white water orders to me and signal hint peaceful.

正当我忙于从事外交事务时,在国内,有关白水事件的新一轮调查开始了。While I was hard at work on foreign affairs, the new world of Whitewater was beginning to take shape at home.